I’m About Finding Purpose and Overcoming Challenges in the Dark!

What you are viewing here is a website about me, Brian Schnabel, a blind man living here in Newton NJ, sharing my thoughts and experiences on a variety of topics. In my podcasts I discuss my challenges and triumphs living with blindness, my thoughts on social media, and strategies for overcoming obstacles. I also share affirmations and other positive messages about myself but, “It doesn’t stop there!”

This website is intended to be a beacon of hope for anyone who has ever faced adversity. As a blind man, I have navigated the world in a way that most sighted people can only imagine. But rather than being defined by my blindness, I choose to embrace it and use it as a platform from which I can share my unique perspective with the world. Sometimes, when opportunity knocks, my blindness has been used to bring about positive changes to my community, too.

Is this site to be seen as a window into a world without sight but full of color, vibrancy, and passion? When podcasting and openly writing about experiences, from the everyday challenges of sightless living to the profound insights gained from such a unique perspective, “What else could it be seen as?”

Some would say that, like me, my writing is often humorous, if not thought-provoking. That’s probably only because I’ve yet to gain full command of the English language though. “Who has that these days?”

However, looking beyond the differing views regarding what constitutes proper grammar in the minds of my favorite cyber stalkers and myself, I’m hoping this site will at least partially resonate with anyone who has ever felt lost or out of place. My story is hardly just about disability. “It is about overcoming obstacles and finding purpose in life!”

At times I share some rather creative strategies for dealing with the challenges of blindness. But more often than not, I share some pretty cool hacks for dealing with depression and living life in general as I figure them out. “This site like me is a work in progress!”

Are you using technology to stay connected to the world around you in an efficiently productive manner? Even if you think you are, “You still might find something useful here that Helps!”

Brian Schnabel’s Head Space is intended to be more than just a collection of podcasts and blog posts though. My hope is that it will become a community where people from all walks of life can come together to share their experiences, offer support for one another, and maybe even find a little inspiration to help move forward in the difficult times ahead for all of us. But… “We Shall See!”

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