The demon and the vessel.

The sky was an amber gold color reflecting off the surface of the ocean with such brightness that it gave the backs of the large rolling waves an earthy brown color. The ship on the water was definitely a large navel vessel, moving from right to left in front of me. What really got my attention though was the demon swimming after the ship, it being in human form.

Continue reading “The demon and the vessel.”

A vision of unlikely alliances.

Over the past few day’s I’ve had visions and dreams about being told things like I don’t know what I’m talking about with regard to computer scripts that over load the RAM in a machine and I’ve been uninvited from a family wedding by a cousin by said cousin in front of my parents. But this mornings vision about Cassidy Spohn Greeting me at my apartment door as I entered and handing me a lit cigarette which I began smoking? “That was most unexpected!”

Continue reading “A vision of unlikely alliances.”

Letters and revelations: My morning vision.

This morning’s vision was interesting. It was cloudy out as I walked into the Newton Post Office in the early afternoon. As I was Walking, I was putting a folded letter into an envelope I was about to mail to Cindy Armstrong at 1 Spring Street Newton NJ once I got inside the building.

Continue reading “Letters and revelations: My morning vision.”

Sunlit visions: Conversations and curiosities.

I briefly dropped off to sleep yesterday afternoon and had a vision in which I was standing in Ellen’s living room, talking with Ellen and Jen. They were facing me, and I could see the sliding back door out to the balcony behind them. It seemed to be around 4:00 PM.

Continue reading “Sunlit visions: Conversations and curiosities.”

An Audible annoyance: My afternoon vision.

I woke from a quick vision around three this afternoon, having fallen asleep listening to Mindwise by University of Chicago psychologist Nicholas Epley. Thus far, in my own mind, this book is a perfect example as to why the Mental Health Profession is a waste of federal tax dollars and an illegitimate part of the Health Profession as a whole. But I haven’t finished reading the book yet, so there’s a chance the so-called psychologist who wrote it might redeem himself yet, “But I doubt it!” As it stands now though, from where I sit it would seem that I had the misfortune to doze off reading a book that’s one third fact and two thirds bullshit. “The vision seemed to partly reflect that!”

Continue reading “An Audible annoyance: My afternoon vision.”

Dr. Sue Villarreal: A voice speaks from the grave.

Doctor Sue Villarreal was my chiropractor back in the early 1990s. I was having this lovely back issue resulting from a car accident I was involved in when I was 15. I would go to stand up in the morning at least once a week and literally fall down again on the floor because I suddenly would have no control over my legs. When my mother took me to Doctor Sue’s North Church chiropractic office, I was reluctant to go. But Doctor Villarreal’s mannerisms inspired confidence, and I knew she could be trusted to do her thing without hurting me despite my misgivings. Unfortunately, I think it was sometime in the mid to late 90s that she passed away due to issues with a medication that she was taking. “She was a great lady!”

Continue reading “Dr. Sue Villarreal: A voice speaks from the grave.”

Navigating the shadows: A neighbor related precognitive vision.

Once again, I had another vision this morning in which my downstairs neighbor was present. It was dark out in this vision, only a quick flash of her standing in what appeared to be someone’s living room.

Continue reading “Navigating the shadows: A neighbor related precognitive vision.”

A blind man’s encounter: Navigating paranoia on West End Avenue.

I was walking across the West End Avenue Foster Street intersection on the evening of September 30, 2024, on my way back from dinner at Dominick’s, glancing over at an approaching car as I did so. As I continued walking, I could hear the driver of the vehicle freaking out on the phone because I looked at them. Then the kid pulls up with his car and goes, “How are you seeing me?”

Continue reading “A blind man’s encounter: Navigating paranoia on West End Avenue.”

Bracing for impact: Three perspectives under the sea.

After returning home from Pennsylvania around 3:00 PM on Sunday, September 29th, 2024, I had a vision. In this vision, I was aboard a submarine that had been allowed to drift to the bottom of the ocean and settle in the sand. An amphibious earthmover was approaching us, and the captain of the submarine was laughing at the driver’s stupidity, knowing he was going to hit the sub and consequently destroy his own vehicle.

Continue reading “Bracing for impact: Three perspectives under the sea.”

Stealth and steel: A blind man’s Allentown Gun Show experience.

On September 28, 2024, I attended the gun show at the ParkView Inn & Conference Center and hosted by Eagle Shows courtesy of my friends out in Pennsylvania as a part of our awesome weekend together. ParkView Inn & Conference Center is located at 1151 Bulldog Dr, Allentown, PA 18104. I was impressed with the attitude of the dealers there, who didn’t show any kind of concern whatsoever with the blind guy walking through the room handling sharp pointy things. In fact, “A few of them encouraged it!”

Continue reading “Stealth and steel: A blind man’s Allentown Gun Show experience.”

From vision to reality: Indications of a new chapter in life.

This morning’s vision about getting my finances in order so I could be ready to make the trip to train with a new dog at the Seeing Eye probably shouldn’t come as a surprise. In fact, given everything that’s been going on of late, “It doesn’t surprise me at all!”

Continue reading “From vision to reality: Indications of a new chapter in life.”

Echoes of destruction: A vision of consequence.

I had a vision around noontime in which an elaborate cave network had been destroyed to kill the immortal that lived there. I saw the tunnels collapsing as the explosives went off. Then I saw the four men and one woman, all in their late twenties, exchange looks of concern as they surveyed the wreckage of what they had done.

Continue reading “Echoes of destruction: A vision of consequence.”

Wine and wisdom: A vivid afternoon vision.

I had a vision during the afternoon of Tuesday, September 24, 2024, in which I was in a restaurant sitting at a table. Standing, leaning over the table, was my 5th grade teacher, Charlie Haasback, that I had for math and for homeroom when I was in Lounsberry Hollow Middle School. He was pouring wine for me into a shot glass.

Continue reading “Wine and wisdom: A vivid afternoon vision.”

Navigating the Woke who ain’t Woke: Blind lives matter, too.

As I work on my website, I’m keenly aware that there are many aspects of my life that aren’t all that pleasant, which most people really don’t care to know about. But I also know that if you are one of the brave souls visiting this site, no one is making you do it. So, it all kind of balances out, “See?”

Continue reading “Navigating the Woke who ain’t Woke: Blind lives matter, too.”

The unexpected betrayal: A neighbor’s tale.

I would like to preface what I’m about to write here with the fact that I can back up at least half of my statements here pretty well with the texts I have on my phone from Cassidy Spone, a licensed therapist and to the best of my knowledge, an employee of Directors Danah Rumble’s – Melissa Pirnos’s Lakeside Counseling Associates, CEO Brian Gragnolati’s Atlantic Health System here in Newton plus Executive Director Margaret Pittaluga’s Center for Evaluation & Counseling in Sparta NJ. While not everything is documented, and there is always going to be room for interpretation in some of this, I at least have a reasonable chunk of the story in writing should it ever lead to a legal challenge.

Continue reading “The unexpected betrayal: A neighbor’s tale.”

golden leaves and silver key Dreams: The meaning of noise.

While lying in bed last night trying to get some sleep, after being kept awake by my downstairs neighbor, Cassidy Spohn, and company for the second night in a row, I decided to take a different tack. I asked for help with the noisy situation that continued well past midnight.

Continue reading “golden leaves and silver key Dreams: The meaning of noise.”

Unexpected Christmas Bonus: A day in the life of a Web Developer.

For most of yesterday, I was kind of in a mood. When I left here to head to Dominick’s for dinner, I was still in a mood. When I got down to Dominick’s, my mood lifted somewhat. And when I came home, I was at least emotionally neutral. Then I opened my email inbox and spied a payment from my Missouri client plus twenty percent extra tacked on and a note that said, “Merry Christmas.”

Continue reading “Unexpected Christmas Bonus: A day in the life of a Web Developer.”

A night of visions: Seeking help and finding connection.

Around 2:30 AM this morning, I woke up feeling rather pissed off. I wasn’t sure why at first, so I centered myself and let the imagery flow, simply sitting with the feeling of rage and keeping my body relaxed during the process.

Continue reading “A night of visions: Seeking help and finding connection.”

Microsoft Copilot: AI inconsistently manipulative as hell.

Some days I can’t believe Microsoft even has the balls to charge for some of their software, Copilot in particular. I do feel sorry for the folks who pay the subscription fee because the free version’s performance doesn’t really inspire faith in the product, “Especially when it starts telling you it cannot do what Microsoft advertises it can.”

Continue reading “Microsoft Copilot: AI inconsistently manipulative as hell.”

Man for Woman in Newton, NJ: adventurer seeking kindred spirit.

Living here at Newtonian Gardens Apartments in Newton NJ since 2001, I’m a passionate and multifaceted man with a love for life’s many adventures. As a self-publishing author and tech enthusiast, I find joy in both the written word and the digital world. My heart beats for music, magic, and the great outdoors. Whether it’s sailing on a serene lake or hiking through lush trails, I cherish every moment spent in nature. I revel in the magic of fixing things with my hands and the beauty of discovering new solutions.

Continue reading “Man for Woman in Newton, NJ: adventurer seeking kindred spirit.”

Enhancing accessibility in Visual Studio Code with screen readers.

In a recent chat I had with Microsoft’s Copilot, we explored how to set up Visual Studio Code (VS Code) to work seamlessly with screen readers, focusing on Narrator and NVDA. We talked about JAWS two, but you’ll see why setting that one up wasn’t a primary concern here in a few minutes.

Continue reading “Enhancing accessibility in Visual Studio Code with screen readers.”

From wet paint to wellness: A day in the life.

I ran another remote viewing session today, albeit a bit late because, when I settled down to do the session at the appointed time, I was interrupted twice by the non-English Speaking guy painting my stairwell. But he was hired to paint the stairwells here at Newtonian Gardens. So, if a little interruption of my time helps him finish painting and get out of here more quickly, I’m all for giving him the assistance he needs, “Even if I did end up sticking my hand in wet paint in the process.”

Continue reading “From wet paint to wellness: A day in the life.”

Transitioning from WordPress to a static website: A journey back to coding.

I did my analysis on yesterday. Spitballing with Copilot certainly gave me a lot to think about. While I do detest the fact that Microsoft seems to think they have the right to use software like Copilot to manipulate the masses into thinking the way they want everyone to think, it still does have its purposes for the moment. “Web development is one of those purposes!”

Continue reading “Transitioning from WordPress to a static website: A journey back to coding.”

Old neighbors: Mental Health stalker has help.

My dear sweet neighbor probably doesn’t know it but when she’s at her friends in Hackettstown, or they attempt to surf my sight on her behalf, I am aware. This would be because her friends were old neighbors of mine from 3B who moved out a few years ago. “I used to like them until I found out firsthand the kind of scum they hang out with.”

Continue reading “Old neighbors: Mental Health stalker has help.”

Good food and good people: Dominick’s is more than a restaurant.

The grilled chicken salad dinner I had at Dominick’s this evening was awesome. Brittany took care of me and for some strange reasons she seems to think I’m a sweetheart.

Continue reading “Good food and good people: Dominick’s is more than a restaurant.”

Trusting my instincts: Ditching my Newtonian Gardens shadow.

Somebody was lurking in front of the Newtonian Garden’s complex when I left for Dominick’s this evening. They were silently standing in between the curb on the edge of the road and the fence in front of the complex, right down by the entrance, and I guess they didn’t think I knew they were there. When I heard feet cross the road behind me very quietly, “I knew right away something was up”! When I got down towards Foster Street they started walking in gravel because of oncoming traffic and at that point I spun and faced them just to let them know that I knew they were there. Then I did what I do best in these situations. “I began moving at a killing pace!”

Continue reading “Trusting my instincts: Ditching my Newtonian Gardens shadow.”

No more hoops: How Windows 11 made WinZip obsolete for me.

I just said goodbye to WinZip this morning. Once again, WinZip has sent me a code that doesn’t work without me going through hoops to get things activated. But this time around I can’t even activate the software by removing the application and reinstalling it because it would seem that the download for the correct version of the application I need to reinstall doesn’t exist anymore.

Continue reading “No more hoops: How Windows 11 made WinZip obsolete for me.”

Newtonian Gardens prepares for hallway enhancements.

I guess based on the email message that I received in my inbox yesterday, us residents of Newtonian Gardens are set to experience some improvements in our living environment. Goldberg Realty has announced plans for stairwell painting and the installation of new handrails.

Continue reading “Newtonian Gardens prepares for hallway enhancements.”

A second encounter: When help feels like a threat.

I wonder if I should be suspicious that yesterday was the second time in a roughly 10 1/2-month period that a Hispanic male has tried to coerce me into getting into their vehicle. The last time that happened was on September 20th, which was a Wednesday, 2023.

Continue reading “A second encounter: When help feels like a threat.”

Meditation, affirmations, and the Ratt connection.

Sometimes the most unexpected things come up during Remote Influencing sessions, a reference to Ratt during a recent session being a bit of a puzzler to me at first. After exhausting all other possibilities as to what Ratt could be referencing, I found that “RATT” doesn’t seem to have a widely recognized meaning when used to describe someone. However, the word “rat” (with one “T”) is commonly used and has several connotations that feel right in my gut, “Especially when considering the target of said session”!

Continue reading “Meditation, affirmations, and the Ratt connection.”

Embrace the storm: Become one with nature’s fury.

I love a good thunderstorm, and I certainly wasn’t disappointed by the storms that rolled through the neighborhood today. I wasn’t out on the front porch when the main event took place, which is just as well. Even though the porch has an overhang, “I would have gotten pretty wet!”

Continue reading “Embrace the storm: Become one with nature’s fury.”

Sleep struggles and anxiety: My experience with cyclical depression.

The meditations I’ve been doing over the past few days have been totally kickass. However, I do believe I am now in another downward inflection point with the brain chemistry, as my mood swings have been more towards the negative of late, and sleep cycles are being interrupted again.

Continue reading “Sleep struggles and anxiety: My experience with cyclical depression.”

3 9 11 plotters reach plea deal? What the hell?

How is it that you get to commit an act of violence that kills thousands of people in this country and then get to live out the rest of your life in a United States prison? What the hell is wrong with our government for letting these pieces of trash live in the first place? Now that these losers know they can avoid the wrath of Allah and the United States government by making a plea agreement, “I’m guessing that mass murder will be on the rise in the USA!”

Continue reading “3 9 11 plotters reach plea deal? What the hell?”

Microsoft 365 Tools: Beginning my journey with Dictation in Word.

Today I realized that I need to start making better use of the tools That Microsoft 365 has to offer, like the dictation tool in this application, Microsoft Word. In the short term, working with the dictation tool in Microsoft Word might slow me down with my writing.

Continue reading “Microsoft 365 Tools: Beginning my journey with Dictation in Word.”

Locked On: Cleaning up dirty laundry.

I’m doing laundry in Building 1 here at Newtonian Gardens Apartments on 70 West End Avenue as I write this. I’m one of the tenants who doesn’t have a washer and drier in my apartment and glad for that. I could only imagine what the vibration would be like if I did, especially if my downstairs neighbor and I did laundry at the same time. When she does wash, “The vibration from her machine spinning off can be felt all the way out into my living room at times.”

Continue reading “Locked On: Cleaning up dirty laundry.”

Today’s achievements: Newark NJ visitor spends 38 minutes here.

I just got done reviewing my server records and saw that someone in the Newark region of New Jersey spent a good 38 minutes on Brian Schnabel’s Head Space. This visit took place between 7 and 8 this evening. They seemed to mostly be interested in the affirmation statements, which is cool. Maybe they even found a few of them to be useful. “One can hope!”

Continue reading “Today’s achievements: Newark NJ visitor spends 38 minutes here.”

The Queen of Darkness returns: Optimum fixes internet speed.

The Queen of Darkness, otherwise known as my Mental Health Professional Stalker, is home again downstairs. But the good news is that Optimum has fixed their network in this area for the moment. The internet speed I like, especially since it’s the 500 Megs I’m paying for rather than the 35 Megs I’ve been running for the past week and a half. As far as my downstairs neighbor goes, I was hoping she’d go away and stay away, “Her and her friends ending up at the bottom of a lake or something.”

Continue reading “The Queen of Darkness returns: Optimum fixes internet speed.”

Was my approach to NJ Rental Assistance issues really effective?

I feel relaxed and at ease this morning. Based on what I received in my email thus far today, I’m going to have to say that everything is finally squared away with Goldberg Realty for another year. The message I got from my case manager from the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs Housing Program on July 16th is still a puzzler to me though. “Thank you for all your help this year?”

Continue reading “Was my approach to NJ Rental Assistance issues really effective?”

Finally free to deal with everyone who has screwed me.

I am done with the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs Housing Program for this year and this damn sinus infection is nearly out of my system, which frees me to swing my entire focus to the matters at hand that I feel need to be resolved. It’s time to begin the process of dealing with those in my environment that have revealed themselves to be the scum I should have seen them for long ago and begin dealing with them in kind. “Screaming hell will be raining down on more than a few.”

Continue reading “Finally free to deal with everyone who has screwed me.”

The little birdy and Mental Health: Unfulfilled prophecies.

Last Wednesday, the little birdy sang me a song about my Mental Health Professional Stalker visiting this site that never came true. That’s to be expected because I know that when the little birdy is at the top of his game, his songs of prediction are only ever to be taken as a strong possibility. So, I wasn’t worried about it. However, after having been sick over the past few days with something that seemed to be a bit more than just a sinus infection I finally had to close the window on the little birdy when he started singing about how a twenty-five year old named Cara wanted to date me, a married forty year old named Malinda would be hooking up with me and, “My Mental Health Professional Stalker would be inviting me into her apartment for cookies and coffee some night soon.”

Continue reading “The little birdy and Mental Health: Unfulfilled prophecies.”

Jacquelyn Suárez & Janel Winter: NJ Rental Assistance Issues!

It got a bit loud around here this morning. But I did manage to get some sleep despite the interruption from the thunderstorm. I can’t say I feel bright eyed and bushy tailed. But I’ve got coffee “which always makes the world go round for me”.

Continue reading “Jacquelyn Suárez & Janel Winter: NJ Rental Assistance Issues!”

The Yahoo yodeling birdy: Good news on the horizon?

The little birdy must have collided with a window or something during the night. He was actually trying to do the Yahoo yodel when he dropped by this morning. Normally though he’s just so strange, “So it’s really hard to tell if he hit his head or not!”

Continue reading “The Yahoo yodeling birdy: Good news on the horizon?”

A date with Destiny: My tryst with ‘The Bear and the Dragon’.

I started reading Tom Clancy’s Bear and Dragon yesterday. I figured I’d go with a shorter read this time, something I could get through fast, “This Audible audio book only being 48 hours long.”

Continue reading “A date with Destiny: My tryst with ‘The Bear and the Dragon’.”

The unseen watcher: 83 Spring Street feathery tales.

The little birdy’s song predicting an individual connected with 83 Spring Street visiting this site didn’t pan out over the weekend. However, given another party’s visitation to Brian Schnabel’s Head Space, as I indicated in an earlier post, someone more than likely got warned off. It’s a shame my Mental Health Professional Site Stalker and her little friends can’t take the cue, “The little birdy singing about her again, too!”

Continue reading “The unseen watcher: 83 Spring Street feathery tales.”

I am supported by Dedicated Mental Health Service Providers.

I am surrounded personally and professionally by ethical people involved in providing Mental Health services. After investigations into the behavior of licensed individuals and organizations operating around me, those involved in the Mental Health Industry are no longer permitted to operate like a corrupt police department; the officers more crooked than the criminals they arrest having been removed from the profession.

Continue reading “I am supported by Dedicated Mental Health Service Providers.”

Cranky accomplishments: Executive Orders, Optimum and WordPress.

I finally finished reading Tom Clancy’s executive orders. The first few chapters sucked, striking a bit close to home emotionally given the topic they covered, but I ended up liking the book anyway.

Continue reading “Cranky accomplishments: Executive Orders, Optimum and WordPress.”

I am appropriately supported by NJ DCA Rental Assistance.

I am thankful for the attention given to the matter of how HUD related COVID funding was used by The State of New Jersey Department of Community Affairs Housing Program and the investigation of all HUD related funding provided to the garden state over the past decade or so. It is good to know that there are still folks who are truly for “All Of” the American people and are willing to stamp out greed, incompetence, and prejudice in all of its forms, “Even when displayed by minorities!”

Continue reading “I am appropriately supported by NJ DCA Rental Assistance.”

associate stalker alert: Thanks for the tweet-tip, little birdy!!

This morning the little birdy sang me a song about a possible site surfer connected with a place I stopped visiting at 83 Spring Street back at the end of February. My fine-feathered friend says that their visitation to Brian Schnabel’s Head Space may very well take place tonight. But, I’m guessing, based on his twittering’s that it could just as well be tomorrow night or early Sunday morning, too, “If it’s going to happen at all.”

Continue reading “associate stalker alert: Thanks for the tweet-tip, little birdy!!”

Blocking Mental Health Professional Stalker: A never ending game!

The unwelcome return has happened. The Mental Health Professional turned Stalker found a way to get around the block to this site via a third party, or at least it would seem that way. You can never be one hundred percent sure with these things but based on patterns from the past as indicated in the server record, I’m going to have to say that the little birdy’s prediction which I posted here at 8:31 PM on Monday, June 24, 2024, was reasonably accurate, “Give or take 40 minutes!”

Continue reading “Blocking Mental Health Professional Stalker: A never ending game!”

Explore Clipchamp TTS: A new era of podcasting awaits.

In this Brian Schnabel’s Head Space Podcast, TTS AI Ava share’s some exciting news about Microsoft Clipchamp’s text-to-speech capabilities that can expedite your podcasting and other audio projects with natural-sounding voices at Brian’s behest.

Continue reading “Explore Clipchamp TTS: A new era of podcasting awaits.”

Mindful routines: Embracing clarity, acceptance, and self-care.

I’ve gotten quite a bit done this morning. The dishes in the kitchen have been taken care of and I did do some work to a couple of sites I haven’t dealt with in a while. I’m still considering starting a new reality creation to do list on Brian Schnabel’s Head Space but part of me still isn’t sold on the idea. I’m not sure why that is.

Continue reading “Mindful routines: Embracing clarity, acceptance, and self-care.”

The unwelcome return: Mental Health Professional turned Stalker!

Well… I Did another meditation this afternoon that was more beneficial. The little birdy showed up with some interesting news, too, regarding a certain someone who has been blocked from this site.

Continue reading “The unwelcome return: Mental Health Professional turned Stalker!”

Laundry Day Zen: Navigating landscapers and inner peace.

Laundry is done. I think I picked the right time to do it as the landscapers have been working here for a little while. Playing dodge tractor with your hands full isn’t exactly my idea of a good time. “Dodge car on a busy highway is more my speed!”

Continue reading “Laundry Day Zen: Navigating landscapers and inner peace.”

Avian advisor’s economic prophecy: A tweet of fate.

I’ve yet to see any indication that a Mary Bethellen has been anywhere near me or this website. However, the latest bird song from the little feathery tweeting twitterbug has me intrigued. “He has taken to playing psychic financial adviser again!”

Continue reading “Avian advisor’s economic prophecy: A tweet of fate.”

the little birdie’s prophecy: Medicaid until 2025.

The little birdies prediction about me getting something from either family care or my Primary Health care provider in the mail the other day came true. He hit that one out of the park, a notice coming from Sussex County’s Department of Social Services that I’m still eligible for Medicaid through New Jersey’s FamilyCare program.

Continue reading “the little birdie’s prophecy: Medicaid until 2025.”

Up all night: Tech battles, Medicaid, traffic and bird song.

In this Podcast Brian talks about troubleshooting file transfer between iPhone and PC. He explains why companies like Apple and Microsoft should integrate accessibility into software from the ground up. He also talks about news regarding Medicaid, too.

Continue reading “Up all night: Tech battles, Medicaid, traffic and bird song.”

Hearing the future: Crafting sounds for life’s desires.

I’ve spent most of the day ripping free videos I found online to audio for sound effects and meditation purposes. Everything I get hold of generally is so heavily edited I highly doubt anyone would recognize it once all is said and done. Hey! I’ve got the skills to get what I want so, “I generally do!”

Continue reading “Hearing the future: Crafting sounds for life’s desires.”

NJ FamilyCare: My bird’s psychic tips.

Well… Now it would seem that my feathery fluffball with wings has taken to divining what will arrive in the snail mail for me now, too. The little birdy sang me a song during my meditation this evening about my Doctor and Medicaid through New Jersey FamilyCare. But… As usual his cryptic song isn’t exactly clear. “He really does need to improve his lyrics!”

Continue reading “NJ FamilyCare: My bird’s psychic tips.”

Birdy anticipating cloudbursts amidst the heatwave hype.

The little birdy has been tweeting about a weather event pending. But… all the National Weather Service and AccuWeather keep yapping about is the heat wave. And… Yeah… While the little birdy has only recently improved in his accuracy to his former reliability, he’s still yet to be proven road worthy once again, “If you know what I mean.”

Continue reading “Birdy anticipating cloudbursts amidst the heatwave hype.”

Mary Bethellen’s tale: A bird’s prophetic song.

The little birdy woke me this afternoon from my nap with a sweet sensual song about a woman in her late ‘30s named Mary Bethellen. He is adamant that I’m going to meet this woman through Brian Schnabel’s Head Space or that she will at least be visiting here, “If nothing else!”

Continue reading “Mary Bethellen’s tale: A bird’s prophetic song.”

Warm weather walks and waiting on Wi-Fi in Newton NJ.

I spent a good amount of time on the phone today and took a two-hour nap around noontime. Dinner with my friend and her daughter was good, too, and the walk across town and back this evening was nice even though it was 86 degrees. That would be because the humidity here in Newton NJ was reasonably low making it, “A dry 86 degrees!”

Continue reading “Warm weather walks and waiting on Wi-Fi in Newton NJ.”

Revamping my websites: Refresh or reboot?

I actually got a decent night’s sleep last night and have been out an roving most of the day with friends. In the meantime, I’ve been mentally plotting what to do with this website. Part of me thinks it’s ok the way it is. But another part of me is feeling like I’ve got plenty more I can add to it if I shift some stuff around on the server.

Continue reading “Revamping my websites: Refresh or reboot?”

Dreams unveiled: A mysterious vision from the ’70s.

At 4:24 this morning I woke from a dream about being in my parent’s house in Vernon NJ shortly after purchase back in the 1970’s.  It was around 4:30 PM and the middle of winter, based on the feeling of things and the light coming through the white curtains covering the double sliding glass door in the downstairs family room across from where I had apparently been drunk and sleeping. “I was not me in this dream!”

Continue reading “Dreams unveiled: A mysterious vision from the ’70s.”

Following inner cues: My path to smooth outcomes.

I was going to send my caseworker from the Department of Community Affairs Housing Program an email first thing this morning when I got up. But for some reason, starting around 11:00 PM last night, 2:00 PM kept flashing through my head every time I thought about it. So, I started writing the email around 2:00 PM.

Continue reading “Following inner cues: My path to smooth outcomes.”

Rain squalls & rights: The birdy’s Newton Wellness Hub bulletin.

The little birdy sang more songs about the weather this afternoon mixed in with a few lines about some sort of authoritative action being taken with regard to the mental health industry. It seemed to have to do with unauthorized access, and while he did mention The Wellness Hub, the little birdy was rather vague about the specifics of the matter, “As usual!”

Continue reading “Rain squalls & rights: The birdy’s Newton Wellness Hub bulletin.”

Section 8 shenanigans: Where communication goes to die.

I’m still reading Lisa Smith’s Vampire Diaries book series and am on book 4 now. In the meantime, I was told by my Department of Community Affairs Housing Program caseworker in writing yesterday morning that I would be receiving a follow up email about the status of my paperwork today at the latest, which pretty much guaranteed that it wasn’t going to happen. “And it didn’t!”

Continue reading “Section 8 shenanigans: Where communication goes to die.”

At Dunkin’ Donuts: Sleepless Newton, New Jersey road wanderer.

I had the most incredible dream this morning, me transitioning from Dreamstate to being wide-awake as smooth as you please. Not even so much as a bump in the road, so to speak. Unfortunately, I just couldn’t fall back to sleep after that, “Me feeling rather energized by said dream!”

Continue reading “At Dunkin’ Donuts: Sleepless Newton, New Jersey road wanderer.”

Holding pattern & a silent birdy: Server blocks kind of working.

I finished reading The Secret Circle last night as I could not sleep. So… Since I only consider the first three books in the series to be the true series written by their true author, Lisa Smith, I see no reason to ever purchase books four, five and six as I believe them to be unworthy of my attention due to the fact that they are written by a different author. As I understand it, the series was taken away from Lisa, even though the books are ghost written in her name and certain aspects of the story have been modified to go along with the CW Series that only lasted one season. “That’s what I’ve gotten from reading reviews, anyway.”

Continue reading “Holding pattern & a silent birdy: Server blocks kind of working.”

Digital standoff: Tweaking servers against bad actors.

I noticed a spike in traffic from Amazon, that seemed to coincide with the rejection of Facebook proxy traffic from my website. Yeah… It was the embed codes that gave it all away. So… “I’ve done what needs to be done to resolve that for now and will be tweaking more in future.”

Continue reading “Digital standoff: Tweaking servers against bad actors.”

Awakening power: Beyond the dream’s dark veil.

I ran a meditation this evening using my Caribbean Ocean waves sound file and dropped into what most would consider to be a nightmare. But when I woke from it, I didn’t feel the anxiety or upset one would normally feel after a nightmare. I felt free, powerful, and as if, “A great force had left me to visit the source of my nightmare.”

Continue reading “Awakening power: Beyond the dream’s dark veil.”

A blind man’s view of Newton Day fireworks.

I took this picture using my iPhone with VoiceOver Activated. It is a shot of the fireworks display put on over at Memory Park by the town as a part of its Newton Day celebration. The show lasted from around 9:12 PM until 9:29 PM and my friend’s apartment balcony at Brookside Terrace just happened to be perfectly positioned for a little photographic experimentation for a blind guy who wanted to see what his phone could do.

Continue reading “A blind man’s view of Newton Day fireworks.”

Bird brain tweets: From lawsuits to lattes.

My little twittery feathery friend actually nailed the weather pretty good last night. It started raining when I was on my way home from a friend’s house after dinner. When I arrived on Newtonian Gardens property I was slightly damp. Had I delayed leaving my friend’s place on the other side of town three more minutes, “I’d have been a drowned rat in under sixty seconds!”

Continue reading “Bird brain tweets: From lawsuits to lattes.”

Navigating silence: A DCA recertification tale.

The good news from the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs Housing Program is, I’ve been assured that my Rockaway Field Office assigned caseworker will reach out to me if there is anything else she needs. They’ve suggested that I contact her directly if I have any concerns or questions about my recertification.

Continue reading “Navigating silence: A DCA recertification tale.”