I am a man of few words verbally. I don’t share anything of consequence with anyone during a conversation, choosing to put the things I really want people to know on my website instead. I am a man of few words verbally.

Saturday, January 25, 2025: 8:35 AM: Some people who have known me for years will eventually notice that, whether on the phone or in person, I’m not giving away much about myself that is of any real consequence anymore. But there’s a good reason I’m choosing to speak less and write more these days.

In a world where everyone seems to be shouting to be heard, I’ve decided to take a different approach. While many know me as just "the Blind Guy walking around the Newton NJ area," there’s much more to my story. Much of it is better shared through the written word rather than spoken. For instance, my name is really Brian Schnabel.

Being a man of few words in public has its advantages. It allows me to observe and understand more, to listen and absorb the nuances of conversations around me. It gives my words more weight when I do speak, ensuring they are not lost in the noise but are noticed and considered.

I’ve always known that silence can be a powerful tool, one that offers clarity and focus. Sometimes, it’s an excellent way to inspire others to rethink their attitudes and behaviors. In the past, I’ve worked hard to keep conversations moving in an attempt to break the ice with people. But now, I realize that my true strength lies in sharing my thoughts through writing.

I’ve faced skepticism and discrimination throughout my life. Whether it’s building websites or sharing my experiences, my words have often been met with doubt. Even licensed therapists in the State of New Jersey, whose role is to listen and understand, have sometimes dismissed my truths. This constant doubt has led me to withdraw verbally, but rather than silence my thoughts, I’ve chosen to give them form here, at Brian Schnabel’s Head Space.

This site is my platform to share what I truly want people to know, without interruption and without disbelief. Here, my words can stand on their own, clear and undiluted.

Many might not believe that I build websites, but that’s the beauty of the digital world. The proof is in the work, not in the telling. While the average genius living in Newton NJ may not stumble upon this blog at all, even with clear directions, those who do will find a space where my voice is heard and my shared experiences are respected, as they would want theirs to be.

I encourage you to explore this space, to read and understand the posts published by the man behind the label of “the Blind Guy.” Through the posts on this website, I can speak my truth and share my stories with the hope that they will be seen for what they are: real, meaningful, and mine.

And… You never know… By spending some time here with an open mind, you may find some information that will help you live a happier life, inspiring you to share a few authentic, meaningful stories of your own. It’s possible, right?

Posting that's a little off the trolley at times... Brian is a single Newtonian Gardens Apartments resident, Self-Publishing Author, cPanel WordPress Web Host and Windows 11 powered computer tech. He’s a musician, sailor, hiker, cycler and some women would say, “Magical, too!”