Blocking Mental Health Professional Stalker: A never ending game!

The unwelcome return has happened. The Mental Health Professional turned Stalker found a way to get around the block to this site via a third party, or at least it would seem that way. You can never be one hundred percent sure with these things but based on patterns from the past as indicated in the server record, I’m going to have to say that the little birdy’s prediction which I posted here at 8:31 PM on Monday, June 24, 2024, was reasonably accurate, “Give or take 40 minutes!”

When I saw an address roll through my site connected to an iPhone that’s still using IOS 16.1.1 from a familiar block of Singular Mobile IP addresses at 6:20 PM yesterday, I knew in my gut right away that it was someone connected with my unwelcome site visitor. While it’s true that a block of IP addresses from Singular’s network can cover a large region, there were certain telltale indicators in the record that tipped me off as to who they were affiliated with.

Yeah… It is true that in his song I wrote about on Monday evening, he indicated that the most likely time frame for my unwelcome visitor to gain access to the content of this site would be somewhere between 7:00 PM and 10:00 PM within a 24-to-48-hour timeframe, which meant attempted visitation between Tuesday evening and last night. However, while the little birdy wasn’t totally accurate to the letter in his predictive song, he was quite close with regard to the time frame having only missed by 40 minutes. But with regard to the rest of the information, “Visitation by proxy is still visitation!”

Of course, this is merely all speculative and there’s a chance I have just blocked some poor hapless soul who unwittingly matched a surfing profile they had no idea existed. But my gut is saying otherwise and, even though I wish the little twittering git would give up singing about my unwelcome Mental Health Professional (who’s a wannabe in my own personal opinion), I’m guessing there is a universal reason for him singing these unwelcome tunes about her, “Which the damn winged twittering feather ball is refusing to share with me!”

Author: Brian KC2KFD

A single Goldberg Realty owned Newtonian Gardens Apartments resident, Self-Publishing Author, cPanel WordPress Web Host and Windows 11 powered computer tech. A musician, sailor, hiker, cycler and… Yes ladies… Some women would say, “Magical, too!”

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