Trusting my instincts: Ditching my Newtonian Gardens shadow.

Somebody was lurking in front of the Newtonian Garden’s complex when I left for Dominick’s this evening. They were silently standing in between the curb on the edge of the road and the fence in front of the complex, right down by the entrance, and I guess they didn’t think I knew they were there. When I heard feet cross the road behind me very quietly, “I knew right away something was up”! When I got down towards Foster Street they started walking in gravel because of oncoming traffic and at that point I spun and faced them just to let them know that I knew they were there. Then I did what I do best in these situations. “I began moving at a killing pace!”

Few people can move as fast and silently as I can. So, they pretty much revealed their intentions right away but seemed to give it up after about 50 yards.

However, the sensation of being followed did not go away all the way through town. It got super strong again when I got down to Dominick’s, so I took out my cell phone, spun in the direction I thought I might find somebody tailing me in from 206, scanning the area using my iPhone’s built in adaptive software in an attempt to possibly snap off a picture once I heard the word, “Person”.

Then, all of a sudden somebody across the street broke into a run, heading down towards Moran. I couldn’t pick them up with the software in my phone to confirm their existence. But the sound of someone breaking into a run from pretty much a standstill was unmistakable.

Some people might say I’m getting paranoid. However, after the experience with my fine Spanish friend trying to get me into a car on August 6th, and the bullshit lines he was using to try and get me there, “I do believe I have every right to be suspicious when this kind of thing starts happening.!”

Author: Brian KC2KFD

A single Goldberg Realty owned Newtonian Gardens Apartments resident, Self-Publishing Author, cPanel WordPress Web Host and Windows 11 powered computer tech. A musician, sailor, hiker, cycler and… Yes ladies… Some women would say, “Magical, too!”

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