The amber glow of truth: Morning visions and realizations.

On Monday, October 14, 2024, I had two visions. The first one was more of a quick flash, so it might not even be considered a vision. There was no real sense of feeling or anything else with it. It was just like a still shot of my downstairs neighbor Cassidy Spohn.

In the second vision, I was sitting at a round table in the conference room of the Wellness Hub with a bunch of people, including Michelle Walsh, Alyssa Yost, Leah (never did get her last name), and I’m pretty sure Helise McGowan was there as well. There were also a few people I recognized from meetings in reality. At first, my focus of attention seemed to be on the gentleman sitting on my immediate left, who I used to attend peer support group meetings with in reality.

After watching the gentleman to my left for a minute, I then turned and looked at Michelle Walsh and noticed that Elisa Yost was leaning in to listen to the conversation as well. I very quietly told Michelle Walsh, “Surely you realize that I’m here to learn what I need to know. Once I’ve gotten what I need, I’m going to use the skills I’ve learned from you to clean up your profession and put an end to the way your organization operates. We cannot have the inmates running the jail.” That statement is akin to the way I believe the Mental Health Profession operates in reality here in Sussex County these days so I’m not surprised to be saying it in a dream.

The statement to Michelle was the end of the vision. It seemed to be around 3:00 in the afternoon, and there was a lot of amber golden light around.

The lights in the ceiling that I could see were amber gold. They were the long bar, old-style tube fluorescent bulbs, but they didn’t glow like fluorescents. They were much richer in the way they lit things up.

In the first flash with Cassidy Spohn, I really didn’t feel anything at all. I was kind of neutral on that one. In the second vision, I felt clear and determined. I felt at ease, confident, and connected to Michelle Walsh and everyone else in the room, client and staffer alike. I had the sense that Michelle Walsh wasn’t exactly happy with what she was hearing from me but felt a little bit trapped.

I also had the sense that Wellness Hub Director Michelle Walsh was going to try and do something to gain the upper hand. She wasn’t happy, facial expression or otherwise. She radiated a demeanor of someone who knows they’ve been caught and wants to do anything to extricate themselves from the situation, even if it means blaming somebody else or trying to shift the blame.

Author: Brian KC2KFD

A single Goldberg Realty owned Newtonian Gardens Apartments resident, Self-Publishing Author, cPanel WordPress Web Host and Windows 11 powered computer tech. A musician, sailor, hiker, cycler and… Yes ladies… Some women would say, “Magical, too!”

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