Thursday, October 6, 2022: 9:59 PM: despite popular belief, getting in touch with this particular resident of Newtonian Gardens Apartments in Newton New Jersey, is pretty straightforward. No… You don’t need to speak Martian or even know braille to communicate with me. In fact, thanks to handy-dandy screen readers like JAWS for Windows, I personally respond to all emails sent to me and thanks to Voiceover I have actually mastered the use of an iPhone, too! So… Yeah… All you need to do is make use of the following information.

Brian Schnabel

70 West End Ave, Apt 2-2B

Newton, NJ 07860 Phone: (973) 670-2583

regardless as to whether you feel the need to contact me for personal reasons (like you’re a woman that thinks I’m hot) or you are simply interested in taking advantage of one of the high-quality services I offer; the above contact information is here for your use. And… Don’t worry… I only bite when requested. So… Whether your inquiries are personal or professional, “feel free to email, text, or call!”

Satisfaction is guaranteed and… No matter which form of communication you use… You’ll only get more, more, and… Um… “Did I mention that you’ll only get more of me?”

“Now!” That’s not to say that sending me communications of an advertising nature, or even spam mail, will be tolerated. I don’t think any nonconsenting adult online appreciates being added to an email list, or any other type of list, which generates text messages of a commercial nature. And… Um… Uh… No… “I am no exception where that is concerned!”

“However! “If your reasons for communicating with me on a personal or professional level are for the purposes of personally getting to know me or doing business with me professionally then, “Yes!” By all means… Please feel free to use the contact information provided here.

Posting a little off the trolley at times... Brian is a single Newtonian Gardens Apartments resident, Self-Publishing Author, cPanel WordPress Web Host and Windows 11 powered computer tech. He’s a musician, sailor, hiker, cycler and some women would say, “Magical, too!”