"Education And Work History!"
I believe there should be little difference between work and education. In my mind education is work and work, if you’re really doing your job to the best of your ability, is an education. Both are a job and education for this blind person, anyway. But… When you stop to think about it… If work and education are to be meaningful… “Why should it be any other way?”
My Education:
- 2002: A.A. Criminal Justice (GPA 3.5) Sussex County Community College, Newton, NJ
- 1991: A.A. Humanities Music, County College of Morris, Randolph, NJ
- 1999: Windows Applications+ JAWS Adaptive Software Training, DeWitt & Associates, Midland Park, NJ
- 1988: Basics of IBM DOS, Joseph Kohn- N.J. Commission for the Blind, New Brunswick, NJ
When it comes to blind people finding jobs or the types of jobs blind people can do… Well… I think it’s safe to say that the biggest stumbling block that most competent highly skilled blind people experience in finding work and maintaining a job is people. When we are not seen as an object to be exploited for a Federal or State tax break, we are often seen as nothing more than a liability. So… That tends to make for a rather spotty work history, which doesn’t help you out when so many employers don’t have a human being reviewing job applications these days. My personal solution? “Self-employment!”
My Work Experience:
- 2012-24: Self-Publishing Author, Brian Schnabel, Newton NJ
- 2006: Sales Consultant, T&R Alarm Systems, Clifton, NJ
- 2001: Temporary Stock Assistant (SCCC Book Store), Follett Higher Education Group, Newton, NJ
- 2000: Tech Support/Computer Lab Monitor, Sussex County Community College, Newton, NJ
- 1992-94: Food Service (General Kitchen Staff/Other), Season’s, Kites, George Inn, McAfee, NJ
Now… Just because the work history of the majority of us blind people does suck… Well… That’s not to say that we haven’t given back to our communities. Whether or not our respective communities want to receive anything from us… Well… That really is their problem, “Isn’t it?”
My Volunteer Experience:
- 2003-06: (Recording Secretary 2005-06), Sussex County Office of Emergency Management Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service, Newton, NJ
- 2002-11: Appointed by Sussex County’s Board of Chosen Freeholders (Vice Chair 2007-11), Sussex County Community Transit Citizens Advisory Committee, Newton NJ
- 1994-08: Fundraising Assistant (President 2007-08), Newton Lion’s Club, Newton NJ
“Yes!” There are more than a few licensed blind people walking around. Whether or not they are able to make full use of their legally acquired licenses, due to discrimination currently running rampant against the disabled, is often questionable. Many people are just failing to see that, “Blind Lives Matter!”
But… Anyhow… Based on the information given above, can you figure out what I’m licensed for? Go ahead and sneak a peek below and, “See if you are right!”
My Active Licenses:
- 9/13/2002-32: FCC Element Two Amateur Radio License, Hopatcong, NJ
Did you guess correctly? Well… Even if you didn’t see it coming (no pun intended) “It’s all good!”
Posting that's a little off the trolley at times...
Brian is a single Newtonian Gardens Apartments resident, Self-Publishing Author, cPanel WordPress Web Host and Windows 11 powered computer tech. He’s a musician, sailor, hiker, cycler and some women would say, “Magical, too!”