It feels still around here right now. And… Although I didn’t awaken to a powerful rushing sensation that ran from the base of my spine into my head again like I did yesterday afternoon, I actually got a decent night’s sleep for a change. So… Yeah… “I think today that bank run will be possible!”
As far as the rushing sensation I felt yesterday goes? I had been doing a rather intense meditation before the nap I wrote about in an earlier post. When I felt this new positively charged sensation coming out of sleep, I knew it was related to the meditation. I also sensed something else. “Something special was happening.”
This was no ordinary moment for me, never having quite experienced a sensation like that before. I’m guessing many would call it a Kundalini Awakening although I’m sure health professionals would have a different interpretation for it, too.
Kundalini, a term derived from ancient Sanskrit, refers to the primal energy believed to be coiled at the base of the spine. When awakened, it’s believed in some circles that this energy travels upward through the chakras, the body’s energy centers, leading to profound spiritual growth and enlightenment.
The sensation was exhilarating, kicking my body out of its lethargy. It was rather like having an orgasm in a way but far more powerful than even that. For a little while, my brain having abruptly come online during the experience, I felt a deep connection to everything as if the boundaries between myself and the rest of existence had dissolved.
The mystic poet Rumi reportedly once said, “You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.”
So… Yeah… I’m pretty sure that the meditation I was working yesterday was the reason I felt what was akin to the ocean stirring within me. There are still so many things I do not understand about this transition that is taking place within me.
I know yesterday’s meditation unlocked something good in a way that is probably desirable for way more than just me at a level beyond my full comprehension. But… Having already had some rather amazing experiences in cultivating this craft stirring within me, I know better than to be afraid of it at this point, “Let alone stand in its way.”
Besides, waking up to such a joyfully overwhelming release within my body is an experience I don’t think anyone would want to avoid having happen again. The initial surge of energy and the familiar shimmering sensation I felt in the air around me for a good ten minutes indicating that another meditation intended to tweak my environment had actually taken hold? “I’ve got a feeling life is about to get really interesting in a good way for a change.”