It’s a damn good thing I check my spam filters! I got my blood test results back from Labcorp. Based on what I read, I’ve got to get back to carb counting again, “Big time!”
I’ve been into the sugary stuff and the french-fries way too much over the past few months, so I’m not shocked with the numbers I saw. While cholesterol has come down another four points, my triglycerides have more than doubled since my last blood test in September. Needless to say, “I’m not pleased with that!”
However, given all that’s gone on in the past year… Well… “Here’s to moving upward and onward!”
So… While I don’t have a ton of cash to spend on dieting, I can go back to working on keeping my carb intake between 110 and 200. I like things like fruit and nuts and have no problem cooking a burger and forgetting about the bread. And… Yeah… “I need to send the sweet crap and nitrate rich stuff people drop off here someplace else.”
It’s not that I don’t appreciate the stuff I receive from other people. “I just don’t want to be killed by it!”
I can stand to up time on the spin bike since I’m walking less, too, these days. And… Sorry Dan but I need to cut back on those Taylor Ham Egg and Cheese sandwiches, “By about seventy five percent!”
The good news is that Hayek’s Market has really good fruit that I’ve found to be well worth the price. So… I’ll be hitting them up for apples and oranges and that kind of thing. “I like grapes, too!”