Sunday, October 27, 2024: 3:44 PM: I’m pleased with the progress I’ve recently made. I’ve been working at things a bit differently than I have in the past, me making it a point to stick to something that resembles a schedule. Yup! I’m breaking up the periods of time in which I work so that they coincide with those hours in a day that I know for a fact to be my most productive intuitive timeframes. So, while my round with Cyclical Depression seems to be running for a period that’s a bit more extended than usual, I am managing things efficiently and, “Getting things done!”
For those who have been visiting regularly, they will have noticed this site has changed in its layout, once again. This is only phase one of the project though. Phaise two will involve the creation of a redirection plugin so that I can begin moving those posts that are most visited to the new HTML Platform I plan to migrate the contents of Brian Schnabel’s head Space to. “This will be fun!”
In the meantime, I’m pretty sure I’ll be ready to move my account to a better HostGator reseller package. I did get a few things squared away with my phone company, too. I’m getting pretty good at managing my accounts via online chat services. I’m getting more comfortable with the idea, anyway. Person to person on a phone is still the best, “provided they can actually speak English!”
My phone has been rigged to work in accordance with those windows of time that are best for creativity and clearest thinking. “Apple’s IOS 18 Focus settings are Awesome!”
People are going to just have to learn to live without me between the hours of 4:00AM-8:00AM, 11:00AM-12:00PM, 3:00PM-5:00PM and 7:00PM-8:00PM. My day for social interactions officially ends at 9:15 PM and I won’t be dealing with the general public again until 8:00 AM unless it’s absolutely necessary.
Some would say I’m self-isolating. I say, “I’m Self Insolating!”
Even if I’m not working on projects, these time periods are excellent for reading up on interests and other things pertaining to my personal and professional wellbeing. I’m sure I’ll find other things to do during these timeframes as well that will be of great benefit to me, “In a rather potent way!”
I got a lot done on this site this past week using this approach. I also got a laptop fixed for a friend/client in the process as well. I’ve done quite a bit of reading on personal safety and situational awareness when not working on things, too.
Is every week going to go as smoothly as this past one has? “Probably not!”
But working things from a new angle despite what my body chemistry is doing is certainly better than doing nothing. This concept isn’t exactly new for me, just one that’s been poorly implemented in the past. This time around though, using tech as my friend rather than it using me, “Staying focused is going to be the key!”
I think we’ve all been suckered into reactionary behavior for long enough. Anyone who has got a cellphone later in life knows what I’m talking about. Not every phone call and text or email has to be viewed, “Now!”