The Vampire Diaries: Better with less.

I finished The Vampire Diaries series before sunrise this morning and I thought it was pretty decent. I did a little research and found out that L.J. Smith had intended to stop at book three but was encouraged to write one more.

I was surprised that book four ended so abruptly. But… given all that was there, “How do you put an end on things without boring your reader to tears?”

I like Lisa’s style of writing because it doesn’t leave you bogged down in the details. It assumes that you have intelligence, imagination, allowing one to work out the finer points for themselves.

A lot of people say that the CWTV series was much better than the books. But… Having seen a good portion of the series myself before ever reading the books, “I disagree!”

In fact, I think a lot of people are forgetting something when they start criticizing Lisa Smith’s writing. “There wouldn’t have ever been a TV series if not for the books!”

I don’t know what happened that caused other parties to take Lisa’s work away from her. But… for me, the Vampire Diaries series will always have ended with book 4, “As it had originally intended to be.”

Author: Brian KC2KFD

A single Goldberg Realty owned Newtonian Gardens Apartments resident, Self-Publishing Author, cPanel WordPress Web Host and Windows 11 powered computer tech. A musician, sailor, hiker, cycler and… Yes ladies… Some women would say, “Magical, too!”

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