Singing in the rain (maybe later): A bird’s weather report.

Today, I heard thunder, and imagine there was lightning that accompanied it, too. But, when I cracked open a window to listen for rain, “I didn’t hear any!”

I guess it was just a slow-moving isolated thunderstorm that got close to my part of town. But whatever the case may be, I’m thinking that the little birdy’s warning on the 18th about storms during the heatwave weren’t too off the mark.

I haven’t experienced any storms, but, as evidenced in yesterday’s podcast, it would seem that 72 hours after my fine feathery friend’s prediction, non-supernatural sources finely started considering thunderstorms and such to be a strong possibility. The alerts on my phone came up about a day after I would have expected them too based on past experiences with this kind of thing. But even though his timing was a little off, the alerts coming up around 24 hours later than usual, the little birdy was still the first to be singing about the strong possibility of storms during this heat wave. So, in my book, “He gets high marks for that!”

Years ago, his notifications about weather used to come to fruition two to four days after the fact. So, there is a chance I need to start looking at his weather predictions and other things as being possible within 96 hours instead of 48.

I’ve already indicated on this site that the little birdy has been coming out with some way off base stuff over the past year and has only recently begun moving towards making predictions with some accuracy once again. So, it stands to reason that there’s a chance the timetables on some of his predictions are changing, too.

Author: Brian KC2KFD

A single Goldberg Realty owned Newtonian Gardens Apartments resident, Self-Publishing Author, cPanel WordPress Web Host and Windows 11 powered computer tech. A musician, sailor, hiker, cycler and… Yes ladies… Some women would say, “Magical, too!”

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