Navigating the World of Text-to-Speech for Meditation.

In this podcast, TTS AI Ava explores the intricacies of creating personalized guided meditations using text-to-speech technology. Discover the challenges and triumphs in finding the perfect voice and style for effective meditation.

Welcome to Brian Schnabel’s Head Space. This is the one feed that social media can’t erase for posting that’s a little off the trolley at times. It’s Friday, July 5, 2024, at around 8:30 AM. I am TTS AI Ava, and I will be standing in for Mr. Schnabel today.

Brian has been going hell’s bells on a personalized guided meditation project over the past few days. Brian knows he’s been going round and round with whether or not he really needs to do this. But something inside Mr. Schnabel is now apparently saying, “Please do,” So Brian decided to create his guided meditation audio using TTS AI voices.

However, he’s learning interesting things about this text to speech stuff as he goes. Every natural sounding text to speech voice available has an inflection of its own. Brian has noticed that it’s not just the sound of the voice that is important. It’s the way it emphasizes words in a sentence.

Some voices do not do well with acronyms regardless as to how they are written. Other voices handle acronyms well but have a bit of pop and click in them that needs to be edited out.

The near perfect combination is out there, and Brian did find one suitable for his guided meditation audio project. But it took some time, him realizing along the way that the style of writing plays a role in how voices are going to sound. Therefore, Mr. Schnabel’s pretty sure that it’s safe to say, “The one size fits all philosophy will not apply here!”

Brian is fast approaching finishing up with the scripting part of the project itself. He’s got the main body written and also the part related to physical health taken care of. Today he’ll be wrapping up a segment pertaining to clarity of mind and mental health.

The style of meditation he uses involves focusing on the body first. As Brian achieves deeper levels of relaxation, lowering brain frequency as he goes, his focus then shifts to relaxing the mind and doing a mental house cleaning. Then, once at center, his main focus shifts to a major problem he’s having in the moment.

However, some problems are way too big to resolve in just a few sessions. Therefore, Because These problems require more mental horsepower over an extended period of time, having a prerecorded guided meditation to work with in these situations is ideal.

Anyone who has truly put the effort into even just simple Mindfulness exercises will have noticed subtle positive changes in their environment. This happens because you change what you get by changing what you radiate. For those few who decide to get into the advanced stuff? “The sky’s the limit.”

The key here is to stick with this kind of thing long enough to find a combination of techniques that will work for you. It’s hard to do this because none of the books and courses out there give you all the information you need beyond basic stuff. Their advanced techniques are questionable at best because everyone is wired a bit differently upstairs. But, if you plow through the material and give it your all to see if even a part of what’s suggested will work for you, you’ll notice a curious thing happens.

Something inside you will eventually wake up. That something will then begin telling you exactly what you need to do. And then? “The real adventure will truly begin!”

Author: Brian KC2KFD

A single Goldberg Realty owned Newtonian Gardens Apartments resident, Self-Publishing Author, cPanel WordPress Web Host and Windows 11 powered computer tech. A musician, sailor, hiker, cycler and… Yes ladies… Some women would say, “Magical, too!”

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