Old neighbors: Mental Health stalker has help.

My dear sweet neighbor probably doesn’t know it but when she’s at her friends in Hackettstown, or they attempt to surf my sight on her behalf, I am aware. This would be because her friends were old neighbors of mine from 3B who moved out a few years ago. “I used to like them until I found out firsthand the kind of scum they hang out with.”

When they left Newtonian gardens they began checking up on me through my website from their current location. They’ve never bothered to contact me directly or keep in touch in any other way really as they have done with their downstairs neighbor who they invited to their wedding after they moved out. But after realizing they probably referred my fine disingenuous Mental Health Stalking professional to Newtonian Gardens and are attempting to help her keep tabs on what I right here, “I’m glad they don’t bother!”

Of course, if my neighbor was in a profession where she couldn’t do damage in mass, I wouldn’t bother with her at all. But she’s in a profession that demands a certain level of ethics, “The woman clearly doesn’t have.”

But then again, the majority of the Mental Health profession doesn’t seem to have any ethics. So, “I write!”

I’ve been advised against doing anything more with regard to my site stalking neighbor, sources telling me something is in the works. But every time I look at those texts I have, which prove much of the truth in what I’m saying and so much more, “I really want to post them online for all to see who my professional Mental Health Stalker really is!”

But I don’t have a green light to do that yet. “I may never get it.”

But if things change I will certainly do just that, complete with an open letter of reference to the internet because I know the truth. “The Queen of Darkness wouldn’t be so worried about what I write here if she didn’t have something to hide.”

I don’t have anything to hide anymore. So, while some would say those texts I have would reveal a few personal things about me, “What does it matter?”

I’ve already shared intimate details about myself with the Mental Health profession I now know a majority of whom can’t be trusted to keep private, and I have no doubt some of her idiot colleagues have already told her all about my sessions. “We’re all just a paycheck to a majority of these people to be exploited for the maximum dollar amount.”

Paybacks are a bitch. I will live long enough to see this bitch and her friends go down and the Mental Health industry will be a legitimate avenue for people struggling with depression and other issues once my Mental Health professional Stalker, along with all who defend her, are in a position where they can’t do damage to anyone else.

Author: Brian KC2KFD

A single Goldberg Realty owned Newtonian Gardens Apartments resident, Self-Publishing Author, cPanel WordPress Web Host and Windows 11 powered computer tech. A musician, sailor, hiker, cycler and… Yes ladies… Some women would say, “Magical, too!”

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