associate stalker alert: Thanks for the tweet-tip, little birdy!!

This morning the little birdy sang me a song about a possible site surfer connected with a place I stopped visiting at 83 Spring Street back at the end of February. My fine-feathered friend says that their visitation to Brian Schnabel’s Head Space may very well take place tonight. But, I’m guessing, based on his twittering’s that it could just as well be tomorrow night or early Sunday morning, too, “If it’s going to happen at all.”

Continue reading “associate stalker alert: Thanks for the tweet-tip, little birdy!!”

Blocking Mental Health Professional Stalker: A never ending game!

The unwelcome return has happened. The Mental Health Professional turned Stalker found a way to get around the block to this site via a third party, or at least it would seem that way. You can never be one hundred percent sure with these things but based on patterns from the past as indicated in the server record, I’m going to have to say that the little birdy’s prediction which I posted here at 8:31 PM on Monday, June 24, 2024, was reasonably accurate, “Give or take 40 minutes!”

Continue reading “Blocking Mental Health Professional Stalker: A never ending game!”

Mindful routines: Embracing clarity, acceptance, and self-care.

I’ve gotten quite a bit done this morning. The dishes in the kitchen have been taken care of and I did do some work to a couple of sites I haven’t dealt with in a while. I’m still considering starting a new reality creation to do list on Brian Schnabel’s Head Space but part of me still isn’t sold on the idea. I’m not sure why that is.

Continue reading “Mindful routines: Embracing clarity, acceptance, and self-care.”

The unwelcome return: Mental Health Professional turned Stalker!

Well… I Did another meditation this afternoon that was more beneficial. The little birdy showed up with some interesting news, too, regarding a certain someone who has been blocked from this site.

Continue reading “The unwelcome return: Mental Health Professional turned Stalker!”

Laundry Day Zen: Navigating landscapers and inner peace.

Laundry is done. I think I picked the right time to do it as the landscapers have been working here for a little while. Playing dodge tractor with your hands full isn’t exactly my idea of a good time. “Dodge car on a busy highway is more my speed!”

Continue reading “Laundry Day Zen: Navigating landscapers and inner peace.”

Avian advisor’s economic prophecy: A tweet of fate.

I’ve yet to see any indication that a Mary Bethellen has been anywhere near me or this website. However, the latest bird song from the little feathery tweeting twitterbug has me intrigued. “He has taken to playing psychic financial adviser again!”

Continue reading “Avian advisor’s economic prophecy: A tweet of fate.”

the little birdie’s prophecy: Medicaid until 2025.

The little birdies prediction about me getting something from either family care or my Primary Health care provider in the mail the other day came true. He hit that one out of the park, a notice coming from Sussex County’s Department of Social Services that I’m still eligible for Medicaid through New Jersey’s FamilyCare program.

Continue reading “the little birdie’s prophecy: Medicaid until 2025.”

Hearing the future: Crafting sounds for life’s desires.

I’ve spent most of the day ripping free videos I found online to audio for sound effects and meditation purposes. Everything I get hold of generally is so heavily edited I highly doubt anyone would recognize it once all is said and done. Hey! I’ve got the skills to get what I want so, “I generally do!”

Continue reading “Hearing the future: Crafting sounds for life’s desires.”

NJ FamilyCare: My bird’s psychic tips.

Well… Now it would seem that my feathery fluffball with wings has taken to divining what will arrive in the snail mail for me now, too. The little birdy sang me a song during my meditation this evening about my Doctor and Medicaid through New Jersey FamilyCare. But… As usual his cryptic song isn’t exactly clear. “He really does need to improve his lyrics!”

Continue reading “NJ FamilyCare: My bird’s psychic tips.”

Birdy anticipating cloudbursts amidst the heatwave hype.

The little birdy has been tweeting about a weather event pending. But… all the National Weather Service and AccuWeather keep yapping about is the heat wave. And… Yeah… While the little birdy has only recently improved in his accuracy to his former reliability, he’s still yet to be proven road worthy once again, “If you know what I mean.”

Continue reading “Birdy anticipating cloudbursts amidst the heatwave hype.”

Mary Bethellen’s tale: A bird’s prophetic song.

The little birdy woke me this afternoon from my nap with a sweet sensual song about a woman in her late ‘30s named Mary Bethellen. He is adamant that I’m going to meet this woman through Brian Schnabel’s Head Space or that she will at least be visiting here, “If nothing else!”

Continue reading “Mary Bethellen’s tale: A bird’s prophetic song.”

Warm weather walks and waiting on Wi-Fi in Newton NJ.

I spent a good amount of time on the phone today and took a two-hour nap around noontime. Dinner with my friend and her daughter was good, too, and the walk across town and back this evening was nice even though it was 86 degrees. That would be because the humidity here in Newton NJ was reasonably low making it, “A dry 86 degrees!”

Continue reading “Warm weather walks and waiting on Wi-Fi in Newton NJ.”

Revamping my websites: Refresh or reboot?

I actually got a decent night’s sleep last night and have been out an roving most of the day with friends. In the meantime, I’ve been mentally plotting what to do with this website. Part of me thinks it’s ok the way it is. But another part of me is feeling like I’ve got plenty more I can add to it if I shift some stuff around on the server.

Continue reading “Revamping my websites: Refresh or reboot?”

Dreams unveiled: A mysterious vision from the ’70s.

At 4:24 this morning I woke from a dream about being in my parent’s house in Vernon NJ shortly after purchase back in the 1970’s.  It was around 4:30 PM and the middle of winter, based on the feeling of things and the light coming through the white curtains covering the double sliding glass door in the downstairs family room across from where I had apparently been drunk and sleeping. “I was not me in this dream!”

Continue reading “Dreams unveiled: A mysterious vision from the ’70s.”

Following inner cues: My path to smooth outcomes.

I was going to send my caseworker from the Department of Community Affairs Housing Program an email first thing this morning when I got up. But for some reason, starting around 11:00 PM last night, 2:00 PM kept flashing through my head every time I thought about it. So, I started writing the email around 2:00 PM.

Continue reading “Following inner cues: My path to smooth outcomes.”

Rain squalls & rights: The birdy’s Newton Wellness Hub bulletin.

The little birdy sang more songs about the weather this afternoon mixed in with a few lines about some sort of authoritative action being taken with regard to the mental health industry. It seemed to have to do with unauthorized access, and while he did mention The Wellness Hub, the little birdy was rather vague about the specifics of the matter, “As usual!”

Continue reading “Rain squalls & rights: The birdy’s Newton Wellness Hub bulletin.”

Section 8 shenanigans: Where communication goes to die.

I’m still reading Lisa Smith’s Vampire Diaries book series and am on book 4 now. In the meantime, I was told by my Department of Community Affairs Housing Program caseworker in writing yesterday morning that I would be receiving a follow up email about the status of my paperwork today at the latest, which pretty much guaranteed that it wasn’t going to happen. “And it didn’t!”

Continue reading “Section 8 shenanigans: Where communication goes to die.”

At Dunkin’ Donuts: Sleepless Newton, New Jersey road wanderer.

I had the most incredible dream this morning, me transitioning from Dreamstate to being wide-awake as smooth as you please. Not even so much as a bump in the road, so to speak. Unfortunately, I just couldn’t fall back to sleep after that, “Me feeling rather energized by said dream!”

Continue reading “At Dunkin’ Donuts: Sleepless Newton, New Jersey road wanderer.”

Holding pattern & a silent birdy: Server blocks kind of working.

I finished reading The Secret Circle last night as I could not sleep. So… Since I only consider the first three books in the series to be the true series written by their true author, Lisa Smith, I see no reason to ever purchase books four, five and six as I believe them to be unworthy of my attention due to the fact that they are written by a different author. As I understand it, the series was taken away from Lisa, even though the books are ghost written in her name and certain aspects of the story have been modified to go along with the CW Series that only lasted one season. “That’s what I’ve gotten from reading reviews, anyway.”

Continue reading “Holding pattern & a silent birdy: Server blocks kind of working.”

Digital standoff: Tweaking servers against bad actors.

I noticed a spike in traffic from Amazon, that seemed to coincide with the rejection of Facebook proxy traffic from my website. Yeah… It was the embed codes that gave it all away. So… “I’ve done what needs to be done to resolve that for now and will be tweaking more in future.”

Continue reading “Digital standoff: Tweaking servers against bad actors.”

Awakening power: Beyond the dream’s dark veil.

I ran a meditation this evening using my Caribbean Ocean waves sound file and dropped into what most would consider to be a nightmare. But when I woke from it, I didn’t feel the anxiety or upset one would normally feel after a nightmare. I felt free, powerful, and as if, “A great force had left me to visit the source of my nightmare.”

Continue reading “Awakening power: Beyond the dream’s dark veil.”

A blind man’s view of Newton Day fireworks.

I took this picture using my iPhone with VoiceOver Activated. It is a shot of the fireworks display put on over at Memory Park by the town as a part of its Newton Day celebration. The show lasted from around 9:12 PM until 9:29 PM and my friend’s apartment balcony at Brookside Terrace just happened to be perfectly positioned for a little photographic experimentation for a blind guy who wanted to see what his phone could do.

Continue reading “A blind man’s view of Newton Day fireworks.”

Bird brain tweets: From lawsuits to lattes.

My little twittery feathery friend actually nailed the weather pretty good last night. It started raining when I was on my way home from a friend’s house after dinner. When I arrived on Newtonian Gardens property I was slightly damp. Had I delayed leaving my friend’s place on the other side of town three more minutes, “I’d have been a drowned rat in under sixty seconds!”

Continue reading “Bird brain tweets: From lawsuits to lattes.”

Navigating silence: A DCA recertification tale.

The good news from the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs Housing Program is, I’ve been assured that my Rockaway Field Office assigned caseworker will reach out to me if there is anything else she needs. They’ve suggested that I contact her directly if I have any concerns or questions about my recertification.

Continue reading “Navigating silence: A DCA recertification tale.”

Bureaucratic frustration: Housing Program runaround!

I can’t even begin to express how pissed I get when stupid stuff that can cause someone to end up out on the street happens. I was going through an old PenTeleData account I haven’t used for at least two years, discovering a request for a non-password protected document that was sent on May 19th by the Department of Community Affairs Housing Program Field Office. “Say What?”

Continue reading “Bureaucratic frustration: Housing Program runaround!”

Chat troubleshooting: Webcam or Microsoft Edge permissions issue?

The mystery of why my PA client couldn’t seem to participate in a video chat via her browser online yesterday is about to be cleared up this afternoon. Unfortunately, you can not diagnose the video and sound on a local machine using Remote Desktop. But… After reviewing browser permissions, “I spy a solution!”

Continue reading “Chat troubleshooting: Webcam or Microsoft Edge permissions issue?”

Laundry, life & emails: Server scrub & Arris modem mischief.

I visited the vampire today and am now waiting on my test results from Labcorp. I’m not particularly concerned about anything other then the cholesterol reading and if that’s up a little since September’s test… Well… My stress level has been rather high at times. I’m managing it ok; I think. But… “I can feel the physical toll it’s taking on me some days.”

Continue reading “Laundry, life & emails: Server scrub & Arris modem mischief.”

Sussex Honda: Rude dealership or blessing?

My Medicaid forms and required documentation are where they need to be. The trip to Sussex Honda here in Newton NJ was a bust, leaving me with the strong impression that the Dealership managed and run by General Manager, Cheryl Eichner and President, Tim Allocca just doesn’t want to do business with my friend anymore. And… “That is their prerogative!”

Continue reading “Sussex Honda: Rude dealership or blessing?”

Minorities, laws, and equality: A complex landscape.

Well… I do believe I’m ready to print out that required application material for New Jersey Family Care Medicaid. Then I’m off to accompany a friend visiting Sussex Honda; them going to test drive a few cars there. The lease is expiring on their current vehicle and, “They like having the Dealership Doberman along for the ride for this stuff.”

Continue reading “Minorities, laws, and equality: A complex landscape.”

Dinner time divinations: Birdy’s forecast wins!

Well… Maybe the little birdy isn’t so off his feathery rocker after all. The site visitor he sang of showed up at 5:42 PM, which for most people is right in the time range some of us have dinner. I don’t think it was raining though, but I did get an unexpected weather alert on my phone around 4:00 PM or so that spoke of a pending shower that was supposed to have taken place. “Could have been a weather app misfire though.”

Continue reading “Dinner time divinations: Birdy’s forecast wins!”

One member therapist fan club: License to squawk revoked!

The little twittering feather ball keeps singing me songs about a particular therapist who hasn’t been here in a few days next visiting this site around dinner time when it’s raining. I keep telling him I could give a crap about that and that I’d rather hear songs about certain therapists’ licenses being revoked and organizations shut down. But… He tells me he’s not here for my entertainment and therefore, “He doesn’t do requests!”

Continue reading “One member therapist fan club: License to squawk revoked!”

Azure echoes: Converse using the little birdy’s cosmic wisdom.

The little birdy tweeted today that “Azure” is the word I should use when I wish to transfer or share positive energy in the body with its triggering source. He assured me that “azure” or one of its synonyms would be excellent for this as it can be easily associated with healing, communication, and invoke protection.

Continue reading “Azure echoes: Converse using the little birdy’s cosmic wisdom.”

, Newtonian Gardens Apartments asbestos abatement project next week?

When I saw the email from Goldberg Realty about next week’s asbestos abatement project that I guess will be getting under way on Monday, June 3, 2024, I did a double take. I was under the impression that this kind of stuff was dealt with years ago.  But apparently, there’s a need for some asbestos abatement happening in the crawl spaces at Newtonian Gardens, even in this day and age. “Not the email I ever expected to be reading on a Saturday!”

Continue reading “, Newtonian Gardens Apartments asbestos abatement project next week?”