Microsoft 365 Tools: Beginning my journey with Dictation in Word.

Today I realized that I need to start making better use of the tools That Microsoft 365 has to offer, like the dictation tool in this application, Microsoft Word. In the short term, working with the dictation tool in Microsoft Word might slow me down with my writing.

Continue reading “Microsoft 365 Tools: Beginning my journey with Dictation in Word.”

Locked On: Cleaning up dirty laundry.

I’m doing laundry in Building 1 here at Newtonian Gardens Apartments on 70 West End Avenue as I write this. I’m one of the tenants who doesn’t have a washer and drier in my apartment and glad for that. I could only imagine what the vibration would be like if I did, especially if my downstairs neighbor and I did laundry at the same time. When she does wash, “The vibration from her machine spinning off can be felt all the way out into my living room at times.”

Continue reading “Locked On: Cleaning up dirty laundry.”

Today’s achievements: Newark NJ visitor spends 38 minutes here.

I just got done reviewing my server records and saw that someone in the Newark region of New Jersey spent a good 38 minutes on Brian Schnabel’s Head Space. This visit took place between 7 and 8 this evening. They seemed to mostly be interested in the affirmation statements, which is cool. Maybe they even found a few of them to be useful. “One can hope!”

Continue reading “Today’s achievements: Newark NJ visitor spends 38 minutes here.”

The Queen of Darkness returns: Optimum fixes internet speed.

The Queen of Darkness, otherwise known as my Mental Health Professional Stalker, is home again downstairs. But the good news is that Optimum has fixed their network in this area for the moment. The internet speed I like, especially since it’s the 500 Megs I’m paying for rather than the 35 Megs I’ve been running for the past week and a half. As far as my downstairs neighbor goes, I was hoping she’d go away and stay away, “Her and her friends ending up at the bottom of a lake or something.”

Continue reading “The Queen of Darkness returns: Optimum fixes internet speed.”

Was my approach to NJ Rental Assistance issues really effective?

I feel relaxed and at ease this morning. Based on what I received in my email thus far today, I’m going to have to say that everything is finally squared away with Goldberg Realty for another year. The message I got from my case manager from the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs Housing Program on July 16th is still a puzzler to me though. “Thank you for all your help this year?”

Continue reading “Was my approach to NJ Rental Assistance issues really effective?”

Finally free to deal with everyone who has screwed me.

I am done with the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs Housing Program for this year and this damn sinus infection is nearly out of my system, which frees me to swing my entire focus to the matters at hand that I feel need to be resolved. It’s time to begin the process of dealing with those in my environment that have revealed themselves to be the scum I should have seen them for long ago and begin dealing with them in kind. “Screaming hell will be raining down on more than a few.”

Continue reading “Finally free to deal with everyone who has screwed me.”

The little birdy and Mental Health: Unfulfilled prophecies.

Last Wednesday, the little birdy sang me a song about my Mental Health Professional Stalker visiting this site that never came true. That’s to be expected because I know that when the little birdy is at the top of his game, his songs of prediction are only ever to be taken as a strong possibility. So, I wasn’t worried about it. However, after having been sick over the past few days with something that seemed to be a bit more than just a sinus infection I finally had to close the window on the little birdy when he started singing about how a twenty-five year old named Cara wanted to date me, a married forty year old named Malinda would be hooking up with me and, “My Mental Health Professional Stalker would be inviting me into her apartment for cookies and coffee some night soon.”

Continue reading “The little birdy and Mental Health: Unfulfilled prophecies.”

Jacquelyn Suárez & Janel Winter: NJ Rental Assistance Issues!

It got a bit loud around here this morning. But I did manage to get some sleep despite the interruption from the thunderstorm. I can’t say I feel bright eyed and bushy tailed. But I’ve got coffee “which always makes the world go round for me”.

Continue reading “Jacquelyn Suárez & Janel Winter: NJ Rental Assistance Issues!”

The Yahoo yodeling birdy: Good news on the horizon?

The little birdy must have collided with a window or something during the night. He was actually trying to do the Yahoo yodel when he dropped by this morning. Normally though he’s just so strange, “So it’s really hard to tell if he hit his head or not!”

Continue reading “The Yahoo yodeling birdy: Good news on the horizon?”

A date with Destiny: My tryst with ‘The Bear and the Dragon’.

I started reading Tom Clancy’s Bear and Dragon yesterday. I figured I’d go with a shorter read this time, something I could get through fast, “This Audible audio book only being 48 hours long.”

Continue reading “A date with Destiny: My tryst with ‘The Bear and the Dragon’.”

The unseen watcher: 83 Spring Street feathery tales.

The little birdy’s song predicting an individual connected with 83 Spring Street visiting this site didn’t pan out over the weekend. However, given another party’s visitation to Brian Schnabel’s Head Space, as I indicated in an earlier post, someone more than likely got warned off. It’s a shame my Mental Health Professional Site Stalker and her little friends can’t take the cue, “The little birdy singing about her again, too!”

Continue reading “The unseen watcher: 83 Spring Street feathery tales.”

Cranky accomplishments: Executive Orders, Optimum and WordPress.

I finally finished reading Tom Clancy’s executive orders. The first few chapters sucked, striking a bit close to home emotionally given the topic they covered, but I ended up liking the book anyway.

Continue reading “Cranky accomplishments: Executive Orders, Optimum and WordPress.”