The demon and the vessel.

The sky was an amber gold color reflecting off the surface of the ocean with such brightness that it gave the backs of the large rolling waves an earthy brown color. The ship on the water was definitely a large navel vessel, moving from right to left in front of me. What really got my attention though was the demon swimming after the ship, it being in human form.

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A vision of unlikely alliances.

Over the past few day’s I’ve had visions and dreams about being told things like I don’t know what I’m talking about with regard to computer scripts that over load the RAM in a machine and I’ve been uninvited from a family wedding by a cousin by said cousin in front of my parents. But this mornings vision about Cassidy Spohn Greeting me at my apartment door as I entered and handing me a lit cigarette which I began smoking? “That was most unexpected!”

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Letters and revelations: My morning vision.

This morning’s vision was interesting. It was cloudy out as I walked into the Newton Post Office in the early afternoon. As I was Walking, I was putting a folded letter into an envelope I was about to mail to Cindy Armstrong at 1 Spring Street Newton NJ once I got inside the building.

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Sunlit visions: Conversations and curiosities.

I briefly dropped off to sleep yesterday afternoon and had a vision in which I was standing in Ellen’s living room, talking with Ellen and Jen. They were facing me, and I could see the sliding back door out to the balcony behind them. It seemed to be around 4:00 PM.

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An Audible annoyance: My afternoon vision.

I woke from a quick vision around three this afternoon, having fallen asleep listening to Mindwise by University of Chicago psychologist Nicholas Epley. Thus far, in my own mind, this book is a perfect example as to why the Mental Health Profession is a waste of federal tax dollars and an illegitimate part of the Health Profession as a whole. But I haven’t finished reading the book yet, so there’s a chance the so-called psychologist who wrote it might redeem himself yet, “But I doubt it!” As it stands now though, from where I sit it would seem that I had the misfortune to doze off reading a book that’s one third fact and two thirds bullshit. “The vision seemed to partly reflect that!”

Continue reading “An Audible annoyance: My afternoon vision.”

Dr. Sue Villarreal: A voice speaks from the grave.

Doctor Sue Villarreal was my chiropractor back in the early 1990s. I was having this lovely back issue resulting from a car accident I was involved in when I was 15. I would go to stand up in the morning at least once a week and literally fall down again on the floor because I suddenly would have no control over my legs. When my mother took me to Doctor Sue’s North Church chiropractic office, I was reluctant to go. But Doctor Villarreal’s mannerisms inspired confidence, and I knew she could be trusted to do her thing without hurting me despite my misgivings. Unfortunately, I think it was sometime in the mid to late 90s that she passed away due to issues with a medication that she was taking. “She was a great lady!”

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Navigating the shadows: A neighbor related precognitive vision.

Once again, I had another vision this morning in which my downstairs neighbor was present. It was dark out in this vision, only a quick flash of her standing in what appeared to be someone’s living room.

Continue reading “Navigating the shadows: A neighbor related precognitive vision.”

A blind man’s encounter: Navigating paranoia on West End Avenue.

I was walking across the West End Avenue Foster Street intersection on the evening of September 30, 2024, on my way back from dinner at Dominick’s, glancing over at an approaching car as I did so. As I continued walking, I could hear the driver of the vehicle freaking out on the phone because I looked at them. Then the kid pulls up with his car and goes, “How are you seeing me?”

Continue reading “A blind man’s encounter: Navigating paranoia on West End Avenue.”

Bracing for impact: Three perspectives under the sea.

After returning home from Pennsylvania around 3:00 PM on Sunday, September 29th, 2024, I had a vision. In this vision, I was aboard a submarine that had been allowed to drift to the bottom of the ocean and settle in the sand. An amphibious earthmover was approaching us, and the captain of the submarine was laughing at the driver’s stupidity, knowing he was going to hit the sub and consequently destroy his own vehicle.

Continue reading “Bracing for impact: Three perspectives under the sea.”