I am appropriately supported by NJ DCA Rental Assistance.

I am thankful for the attention given to the matter of how HUD related COVID funding was used by The State of New Jersey Department of Community Affairs Housing Program and the investigation of all HUD related funding provided to the garden state over the past decade or so. It is good to know that there are still folks who are truly for “All Of” the American people and are willing to stamp out greed, incompetence, and prejudice in all of its forms, “Even when displayed by minorities!”

The office location issues once hoisted upon disabled and low-income individuals who really don’t have any place to turn for reliable transportation have been resolved. Reasonable accommodations for those of us unable to make the trip to inaccessible offices throughout The State of New Jersey? “Guaranteed!”

The pore state of the computer system the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs Housing Program uses has been resolved. One positive result of this is that my online Housing Program account is working as it should.

Investigations into how New Jersey has been spending HUD money related to Housing, starting around 2012, when the folks in Trenton decided it was a good idea to downsize the number of offices used to Administer the Section 8 Program in The Garden State has resulted in a far more equitable and efficient operation of the NJ Department of Community Affairs Housing Program for everyone. There are now none threatening ways for disabled New Jersey citizens who need housing assistance to get the help they need with their first time Housing Program applications and Section 8 recertifications, “Within their counties!”

Notifications involving rent payments are now sent to both Landlords and tenants involved in the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs Housing Program through verifiable and reliable means. “This is done in a timely manner that gives everyone time to plan or respond as needed!”

A Housing Program participants’ personal information is rarely lost. However, in those few instances when a client or landlord’s information is lost, a thorough investigation of all parties is conducted to safeguard against Identity Theft and other forms of fraud that may otherwise occur as a result.

The State of New Jersey Department of Community Affairs Housing Program goes out of its way to Demonstrate its respect for clients’ and landlords’ personal information as well as those it belongs to. “I am appropriately supported by NJ DCA Rental Assistance.”

Author: Brian KC2KFD

A single Goldberg Realty owned Newtonian Gardens Apartments resident, Self-Publishing Author, cPanel WordPress Web Host and Windows 11 powered computer tech. A musician, sailor, hiker, cycler and… Yes ladies… Some women would say, “Magical, too!”

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