Bird brain tweets: From lawsuits to lattes.

My little twittery feathery friend actually nailed the weather pretty good last night. It started raining when I was on my way home from a friend’s house after dinner. When I arrived on Newtonian Gardens property I was slightly damp. Had I delayed leaving my friend’s place on the other side of town three more minutes, “I’d have been a drowned rat in under sixty seconds!”

I was impressed! I’d figured the rain thing was going to be another one of his feather brained predictions. “He did well!”

So, when he woke me with his song about an hour after I finally fell asleep, I paid attention. He was banging on about courts, judges, and therapists; tweeting at the top of his lungs that, “It all just didn’t matter anymore!”

I had been up most of the night, pretty stressed about the email I found last night from Housing. But things came pretty clear when I settled down to do a meditation involving Evicto and Riddikulus in an effort to lose leftover energy I still had in my body from the whole New Jersey Department of Community Affairs Housing Program experience, which had built up pretty good over the past twenty-four hours.

Towards the end of my meditation, the feathery twitter bug dropped in and began singing again. This time his song was about accessible public transportation at airports, drunk people at McDonalds illegally parked in handicapped parking, coffee at McDonalds and pretty policewomen; the little birdy tweeting a rocking jazz number with lyrics indicating I didn’t need to be worried about any of the accessibility stuff and should go to McDonalds for coffee soon.

The little birdy then took off with one last tweet indicating that this morning’s song and this evening’s song were linked. He then attempted to sing Don’t Worry Be Happy as he flew away, which sounded horrific. “It was way out of his twittery vocal range!”

So… If he’s so certain that I don’t need to worry about the things that have been on my mind most of late, I guess I can take a chance and assume he knows what he’s tweeting about. It will be hard to shift focus away from some things, certain issues literally living right on my front doorstep, but… “I think I can do that for now!”

Author: Brian KC2KFD

A single Goldberg Realty owned Newtonian Gardens Apartments resident, Self-Publishing Author, cPanel WordPress Web Host and Windows 11 powered computer tech. A musician, sailor, hiker, cycler and… Yes ladies… Some women would say, “Magical, too!”

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