Digital standoff: Tweaking servers against bad actors.

I noticed a spike in traffic from Amazon, that seemed to coincide with the rejection of Facebook proxy traffic from my website. Yeah… It was the embed codes that gave it all away. So… “I’ve done what needs to be done to resolve that for now and will be tweaking more in future.”

I’m well aware of what’s driving the desire of a certain group of people to keep visiting this site anyway they can, and it has nothing to do with any interest in my wellbeing or what I have to offer. To them, “I am just a liability!”

And… Yeah… I’m sure they find lots to make fun of here, too. Or at least they did until I started cutting cables, so to speak. Of course, this is all unproven speculation on my part, but I hear things in the hood and see things in the server record that tell a story.

Besides… If they really were caring people, they’d have done what caring human beings do when they actually do give a damn and made some moves to resolve issues with the people they supposedly didn’t intentionally mean to hurt. But… They haven’t and nor do they intend to. “Bad actors in certain industries are like that!”

So, as I configure the server to filter traffic so my desired audience can get through… Well… The current undesired audience is proving very helpful in helping me discover the full scale of the platforms that most webmasters don’t want to see traffic from anyway. For this, “I do sincerely thank them!”

The little birdy whispered this morning that there are about twenty-two people directly involved with my monitorization. But seeing as how the little birdy is the source of that information… Yeah… Uh… I’m going to have to take that number with a grain of salt. “Sorry little birdy!”

The bottom line? Amazon and I will have reached a strictly digital machine learned understanding in a few days. “Then I’ll deal with the next wave of crap my cyber stalkers try to use!”

Author: Brian KC2KFD

A single Goldberg Realty owned Newtonian Gardens Apartments resident, Self-Publishing Author, cPanel WordPress Web Host and Windows 11 powered computer tech. A musician, sailor, hiker, cycler and… Yes ladies… Some women would say, “Magical, too!”

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