Following inner cues: My path to smooth outcomes.

I was going to send my caseworker from the Department of Community Affairs Housing Program an email first thing this morning when I got up. But for some reason, starting around 11:00 PM last night, 2:00 PM kept flashing through my head every time I thought about it. So, I started writing the email around 2:00 PM.

I hadn’t heard anything about the status of my case in the time frame she herself specified. So, I figured a polite nudge was in order in the event she forgot due to the strong possibility of unexpected situations being dropped in her lap on her end. I then hit the send button on said email at 2:27 PM after reviewing and tweaking it several times to make sure I had it right.

At 3:07 PM I had the response I was looking for. Rent estimates will be going out in the mail next week. So, with a little luck, my landlord, Goldberg Realty, and I will both know exactly what we’re each doing before the end of the month, “Provided the United States Post Office doesn’t screw up the plan!”

Of course, my caseworker might email me a digital copy in case the post office does it’s usual. But… At least I know now what’s going on at present. “God is good!”

It’s always fascinating to me how this stuff works. If I move when I feel a strong head to toe feeling or take action on a matter when the impression in my head specifies it out of the clear blue, “Things go smoothly.”

Even when out walking, if I get a sudden strong impression that I should change route at a specific point, I go with it. The end result is that things generally go more smoothly than when I ignore said impression. I’ve tested that one enough times to know that it really isn’t just a crazy notion in my head.

There are other indicators that come up too, which tell me who I should call and when, as well. Sometimes I pick up the phone to call one person and the imagery of another suddenly drops in for a visit. So… I make that call first. And… You know what? Eight to nine times out of ten, “We talk!”

It’s crazy. But you know what?  “It’s the kind of crazy I’m totally down to living with!”

Author: Brian KC2KFD

A single Goldberg Realty owned Newtonian Gardens Apartments resident, Self-Publishing Author, cPanel WordPress Web Host and Windows 11 powered computer tech. A musician, sailor, hiker, cycler and… Yes ladies… Some women would say, “Magical, too!”

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