Navigating silence: A DCA recertification tale.

The good news from the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs Housing Program is, I’ve been assured that my Rockaway Field Office assigned caseworker will reach out to me if there is anything else she needs. They’ve suggested that I contact her directly if I have any concerns or questions about my recertification.

That I did on Monday with a response of silence and my caseworker is out of the office from today until Tuesday. “Not even so much as a read receipt!”

They didn’t say a word about the misfired email from May 19th. Nore did they say anything about the attached items. So, I just played along to keep the peace for now and am formulating a plan for how to proceed in future should anything else go sideways. It would seem to me too, based on their final communication, they were attempting to make it pretty clear in a roundabout way, “The people higher up the food chain would like to hear less from me!”

So… For now… “I’ll honor that request and hope for a positive outcome.”

I’m frustrated to no end with Janel Winter’s division of the Department of Community Affairs. I have a right to be concerned about the way things have been going. Yes! People do make occasional mistakes here and there along the way. But my gut is telling me that, “Something is very wrong here!”

True! Some of it could just be the anxiety talking. I really would like to believe that. But I lost my home once before because of a clerical error courtesy of the Social Security Administration years ago. “I do not wish to repeat that experience!”

But… I have it in writing that if anything else is needed from me I’ll be contacted by my caseworker. So, despite my badly shaken trust in the DCA at this point I’ll take it at face value. In all honesty though, my vote of confidence in the Department of Community Affairs Housing Program’s ability to manage and process my personal information is now, “Zero!”

Author: Brian KC2KFD

A single Goldberg Realty owned Newtonian Gardens Apartments resident, Self-Publishing Author, cPanel WordPress Web Host and Windows 11 powered computer tech. A musician, sailor, hiker, cycler and… Yes ladies… Some women would say, “Magical, too!”

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