Section 8 shenanigans: Where communication goes to die.

I’m still reading Lisa Smith’s Vampire Diaries book series and am on book 4 now. In the meantime, I was told by my Department of Community Affairs Housing Program caseworker in writing yesterday morning that I would be receiving a follow up email about the status of my paperwork today at the latest, which pretty much guaranteed that it wasn’t going to happen. “And it didn’t!”

Oh well. Tomorrow is another day. Maybe she got more work than was expected and will get to it tomorrow. All I really want to make sure of is that there aren’t any outstanding notices in the snail mail I should be aware of since the United States Post office has really dropped the ball when it comes to reliability. “I really don’t think I’m asking for something unreasonable here!”

But maybe I am. Maybe I should be like other clients they have who just don’t give a shit. “Maybe it’s time I stop caring, too?”

It just amazes me how The State of New Jersey treats some of us, who really are doing the right thing. The communication involved in the rather complicated process of Section 8 Housing sucks. I wonder how many people have lost their housing because of Janel Winter’s Housing Program screwing things up.

But… Maybe everything is fine and it’s just me. I must be the one who’s overreacting to things, like voicemail messages about my paperwork not being received when I’ve already been told via email that it was. Nothing to worry about there, “Right?”

Anyhow, by sunrise I should be done with the original four book Vampire Diaries series. A lot of people seem to be down on this book series. But me? “So far so good!”

Author: Brian KC2KFD

A single Goldberg Realty owned Newtonian Gardens Apartments resident, Self-Publishing Author, cPanel WordPress Web Host and Windows 11 powered computer tech. A musician, sailor, hiker, cycler and… Yes ladies… Some women would say, “Magical, too!”

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