Jacquelyn Suárez & Janel Winter: NJ Rental Assistance Issues!

It got a bit loud around here this morning. But I did manage to get some sleep despite the interruption from the thunderstorm. I can’t say I feel bright eyed and bushy tailed. But I’ve got coffee “which always makes the world go round for me”.

In general, I have been sleeping better of late. Last night though, I was feeling the stress of the situation a bit concerning my Section 8 recertification handled by The DCA Housing Program field office in Rockaway NJ. They said that my estimate letter was going in the mail during the week of June 17th, but I’ve seen nothing to date. Maybe they’ll surprise me, and it will show up this afternoon?

I did send an email to my case manager regarding the matter on Tuesday, explaining that I normally pay my landlord the next month’s rent on the 27th of the current month. But all I got back was the read receipt acknowledging my email was read.

It’s kind of hard to plan your monthly budget when you don’t know what to budget for. But I might have to simply take a guess and go from there. I do have a credit on my account from my landlord, which helps.

The way Housing is handling things has me concerned. Things shouldn’t be like this and I’m thinking that a letter in the form of a complaint to HUD may just be what the doctor ordered.

Back in 2020, I was told my information was not received, even though I had a receipt in my possession that said otherwise. Then in 2022 I was told the same thing again, even though I had sent it electronically. This year? Well, I’m told they have everything they need after I got a phone call claiming the same thing again.

It’s been a few years since they’ve let things go down to the wire like this and I had begun thinking they were getting a handle on things. My new lease kicks in on August first and I don’t see why in hell they are playing this game with tenants like myself and our landlords.

What they are doing has to be in violation of state if not federal housing laws. But I’m not sure about that so can’t say it is so with any certainty. But I do know this. If they want landlords like Goldberg Realty to hate dealing with Section 8 tenants “they are well on their way to making it so”!

There’s a possibility that the estimate letter will show up with the final portion letter, which seals the deal on the estimated rent I’m to pay. That’s also happened once or twice over the years.

It’s almost like people in government want the disabled population to give up on life and are going out of their way to make things harder for those of us who already have enough prejudice to deal with. If they don’t want to provide the services any more than just close up shop and fire all the people who work there.

I’m beginning to pray daily for just about everyone I have to deal with in this capacity to go blind. I’m feeling like even certain family, neighbors, and other associates should lose their vision as well. That way they can experience life from my point of view and get a clear picture on what being Woke really means in this country.

In the meantime, I’ve got to figure out a way to manage things financially for the month of July since I’m clearly not going to get much of a clue from my case manager or anyone else in the Rockaway field office unless I start carbon copying Janel Winter again. Maybe it’s time I also reach out to Jacquelyn Suárez, the head of the Department of Community Affairs. Ever since they consolidated Department of Community Affairs Housing Program field offices here in New Jersey “things have certainly been a mess”.

To keep me busy while I wait, I’ve got more work to do on my first ever guided meditation audio project using TTS AI voices. It will keep my brain engaged for the time being. If all else fails, I can focus on reading more of Tom Clancy’s “The Bear and the Dragon” Amazon Audible audio book. So, while dealing with New Jersey is a total drag “at least I’ve got things to keep me focused on the positive”.

Author: Brian KC2KFD

A single Goldberg Realty owned Newtonian Gardens Apartments resident, Self-Publishing Author, cPanel WordPress Web Host and Windows 11 powered computer tech. A musician, sailor, hiker, cycler and… Yes ladies… Some women would say, “Magical, too!”

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