Today’s achievements: Newark NJ visitor spends 38 minutes here.

I just got done reviewing my server records and saw that someone in the Newark region of New Jersey spent a good 38 minutes on Brian Schnabel’s Head Space. This visit took place between 7 and 8 this evening. They seemed to mostly be interested in the affirmation statements, which is cool. Maybe they even found a few of them to be useful. “One can hope!”

They were coming off a Verizon Business IP address and using Windows. I miss the days when you could actually see what search a person used to reach your site, Google having changed things so that a website administrator can no longer detect that kind of information in the referring URL string. Actually, pretty much all the search engines are that way now.

However, whoever my new guest was, they didn’t flee the scene after reading the first post. So, I can only guess that they liked what they saw.

I’ve been reading Tom Clancy’s Locked On and it’s pretty good so far. When I haven’t been reading, I’ve been picking up around the apartment, doing spot cleaning when I notice things that need to be dealt with. Vacuum a room here, scrub a toilet over there, that kind of stuff. “That works for me!”

I tend to over focus on projects to the point where it becomes tedious. While it’s true that I’m cleaning house without eyesight, I think I’ve been a bit too paranoid for far too long about getting everything perfect when it doesn’t need to be that way. It’s either that or my guests are trying to tell me they are the biggest slobs on the face of the planet when they comment on how much cleaner my place is than theirs.

Whatever the case is though, I’ve changed the sheets, taken care of the dishes for today and delt with all administrative items that needed to be managed on the financial end of the equation. There is one thing I do need to stop doing though and that is talking to certain folks after 8:00 PM.

With some parties, they tend to raise the blood pressure a bit with their manipulative bullshit, sometimes manufacturing major problems that really don’t exist. I need less of that in life. Therefore, “I shall have less of it in my life.”

Mostly though, the hours I spent on the phone today were good ones. So, all in all, “We’re cool!”

Author: Brian KC2KFD

A single Goldberg Realty owned Newtonian Gardens Apartments resident, Self-Publishing Author, cPanel WordPress Web Host and Windows 11 powered computer tech. A musician, sailor, hiker, cycler and… Yes ladies… Some women would say, “Magical, too!”

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