Full Force and Effect: Managing the biology of Depression.

It’s been a quiet day here today. I haven’t obviously shattered any records with blog posting or anything else. For those that might have noticed, I certainly have slowed down on my blog posting.

Some months I will have a lot to write and a lot to say, and other months I will not. That’s all there is to it where that’s concerned.

One of the worst things you can do where creativity is concerned is try to force things. If there’s nothing there, there’s nothing there, “And there’s nothing wrong with that”!

I’m hoping that the pendulum swings back to normal where the brain chemistry is concerned by next weekend. If it happened midweek, I wouldn’t complain. But at least I know that by next weekend I should be feeling more human again, if all patterns hold true for this time around. “I can live with that!”

In the meantime, I’ve gotten pretty good at picking up on when anxiety attacks are going to kick in. That’s a good thing, because that means they will be sneaking up on me less often. “Managing the new landscape is going to take a lot of persistence, practice, and a bit of time!”

However, I’m making progress so it’s all good. “No worries here!”

I’ve got books to read like Tom Clancy’s Full Force and Effect. I’ve also found that once I can psych myself up to get out the front door, doing my own shopping solo again since my friend no longer has a car has had some advantages as well. “Getting out and taking care of business is a great diversion!”

Yes! I admit it! “I’ve developed a few bad habits since COVID-19!”

But the lockdown ended back in 2021. That’s not to say that shopping with other people doesn’t have its advantages, too. But when shopping with other people leads to personal isolation, “That’s not helpful!”

There’s always stuff to do around this place. Some days it’s just a question of figuring out which things I can manage in the moment that need doing. It would probably help if I just wrote everything out that needs to get done, or at least I think needs to get done. This way I can look at the list and just rate the items on the list based on what I feel capable of handling at any given point in time.

You know what? I like that idea. Damn! “Sometimes I surprise even me!”

Of course, after this next weekend, I should be golden for at least another 2 1/2 to 3 months before my biology starts playing games again. However, if I keep writing down my ingenious ideas like the one I just mentioned then when I have better energy to manage things going forward, it should be a lot easier to get things compiled so that I’m ready for the next two to 2 1/2 weeks of chemical imbalance.

Sure, it all sounds great on paper. I am well aware too that even though it sounds simple at the moment it ain’t easy. It is a start though and, “Don’t all good things start with an idea first if not a dream?”

Author: Brian KC2KFD

A single Goldberg Realty owned Newtonian Gardens Apartments resident, Self-Publishing Author, cPanel WordPress Web Host and Windows 11 powered computer tech. A musician, sailor, hiker, cycler and… Yes ladies… Some women would say, “Magical, too!”

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