A night of visions: Seeking help and finding connection.

Around 2:30 AM this morning, I woke up feeling rather pissed off. I wasn’t sure why at first, so I centered myself and let the imagery flow, simply sitting with the feeling of rage and keeping my body relaxed during the process.

At one point, I felt compelled to take The King James Bible off my nightstand and place it next to me, my right hand resting on the cover. The next step was to simply ask for help as the images rolled by, picturing the words “Help Me” in bright red lettering in the middle of a black circle from time to time as I mentally said, “Help Me.”

Next thing I knew, I dropped into a vision in which a group of women in their thirties and forties all seemed to be sitting with me at what looked like a bar. One of them said to me, “You’ve connected.” It happened so fast I didn’t get much of a look at the surroundings other than to note it was a dark room with vivid forms of people around me. The woman closest to me was a dirty blonde with a nice figure from what I could tell. The place had a rustic feel to it, too.

What really grabbed my attention was the sudden rush of power that ran through me and the presence of someone strong leaving the vision with me. I felt elation upon waking that was accompanied by a surge of energy through my body that was nothing short of intense. At the same time, I felt a thrill of both joy and fear as my reason struggled to catch up with my senses. I felt disoriented by the experience for a good minute and noted the presence that I felt traveling with me out of the vision stayed with me in my bedroom for about ten minutes.

As I lay in the dark, wondering why I could still feel the presence of someone who didn’t have a physical form, I knew somehow that my request for help had been acknowledged. Other thoughts flooded through my mind, too. Things like, “You don’t have to work so hard at this,” and, “You tend to overfocus on things during your meditations,” and so on.

I did run a second meditation a while later after being awakened by noise in the building and dropped into a vision involving a full-on military engagement. I connected this with the Israeli conflict happening in real-time but was gently pushed out of the scene before I could get too clear a view of what was happening under the brilliant early afternoon sun (around 1300 hours) and clear blue sky. I sensed the gentle words, “That’s enough for one night for you,” rather than actually hearing them.

I was still dealing with racing thoughts and anger issues when I came back to reality. So, I just rode things out until 4:00 AM, focusing on my breathing and asking for help when it felt like things were getting to be a bit much on the emotional side of the equation. Then I began slowly shifting my thoughts to other things, like good music and coffee!

Author: Brian KC2KFD

A single Goldberg Realty owned Newtonian Gardens Apartments resident, Self-Publishing Author, cPanel WordPress Web Host and Windows 11 powered computer tech. A musician, sailor, hiker, cycler and… Yes ladies… Some women would say, “Magical, too!”

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