golden leaves and silver key Dreams: The meaning of noise.

While lying in bed last night trying to get some sleep, after being kept awake by my downstairs neighbor, Cassidy Spohn, and company for the second night in a row, I decided to take a different tack. I asked for help with the noisy situation that continued well past midnight.

To get the kind of help I sought after, you relax your body, roll your eyes upward in your head, express your intention and mentally ask for help. It really does work quite well for me most of the time out in traffic. So, I figured I would give it ago in my efforts to get back to sleep.

It did take me a while to get to a point where I could sleep again because of the unnecessary racket, especially with her boyfriend opening and slamming dresser drawers in the apartment he supposedly only visits, around 2:30 AM. Yeah… “I wonder about that!”

It would be one thing if folks were trying to move around in a creaky old building with an emphasis on quietly going about their business at a time when most people sleep. But to just stomp and slam around? “Really?”

Of course, I can’t prove any of this on paper, but if Steve Dunlop, our current property manager, is doing his job for Goldberg Realty, “I shouldn’t have to.” Whether other neighbors will speak up about this stuff, too, is also debatable as most people by default never seem to want to get involved.

But, at least under law, I’m allowed to express my perception of things in writing so long as I don’t claim them to be absolute fact, which in this post, “I don’t.” So, I’ll leave the finer points for Gordon Ancis a Goldberg Realty regional property manager, and Steve to work out for themselves, “If they so choose to investigate whether my perception as to the goings on in 2A2 are true or not.”

Anyhow… When I finally did fall asleep at around 5:00 AM, The vision I had was rather interesting, it taking place late on a beautiful fall day. I was standing in a field behind someone’s house. The trees in front of me were covered in golden leaves. The air was crisp and cool and the sun to my left felt warm on my denim jacket.

I could see a woman from the Sussex County Board of Elections office that I’ve known for years through the trees, standing on the lawn behind the old house, which seemed to have been built during the late 1800’s. I raised my hands in the air and said, “I need keys!”

The woman motioned for me to come towards her, which I did. When I moved through the trees and stood before her, she handed me a set of silver and gold keys on a ring saying, “Now you have access.”

This is the second night in a row that I’ve had an experience like this in a vision, the one from Friday night telling me, “You are connected!”

As the woman handed me the keys, an interesting thing happened. The sun shifted in the sky, leaving me with the impression that we had just transferred from 4:00 PM to 9:00 AM. The sun now being to my right, the northerly direction I faced at the start of the dream never changing. “I had a good feeling about the whole thing!”

I really had to work in order to fall asleep because of my perceived lack of disrespect for the rest of the building coming from downstairs. It will never cease to amaze me how someone who is a Licensed Mental Health Professional can show such a lack of consideration for the people who live around them, and the boyfriend isn’t really much better, him seeming to leave in the evening and coming back in the early morning, “None too quietly of late from where I sit.”

But I guess when your name isn’t on the lease, these things don’t matter. It’s all about you, “Right?” And, even if your name (assuming it’s your real one) is on the lease, “Who the hell do you think you are!”

But we shall see. Stranger things have been known to happen and this situation could actually resolve itself with us all being great friends in the end.

Author: Brian KC2KFD

A single Goldberg Realty owned Newtonian Gardens Apartments resident, Self-Publishing Author, cPanel WordPress Web Host and Windows 11 powered computer tech. A musician, sailor, hiker, cycler and… Yes ladies… Some women would say, “Magical, too!”

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