Transitioning from WordPress to a static website: A journey back to coding.

I did my analysis on yesterday. Spitballing with Copilot certainly gave me a lot to think about. While I do detest the fact that Microsoft seems to think they have the right to use software like Copilot to manipulate the masses into thinking the way they want everyone to think, it still does have its purposes for the moment. “Web development is one of those purposes!”

While I do like working with WordPress to some extent, I feel limited with what I can do using such an application. In short, “I’m bored”!

In my mind, it’s best that I move towards a website that is more, “Set it and forget it”. In other words, I’m talking about building a static website with about 25 pages, which isn’t really going to be all that static when all is said and done.

This is because Copilot indicates something I already knew long ago. Things need to change in order to keep the website in good ranking with search engines like Bing, Google, etc.

So, while I’ll still be posting to as it is for the moment, behind the scenes I will be moving towards a more static website. It won’t be completely static, but it will be static, nonetheless.

I haven’t coded in years. Coding helped me stay in touch with my creative side because I had to sit down and actually think through how I wanted the pages to present and how I needed to structure the site to accommodate my needs.

At about the time that WordPress began to make its footprint on the Internet, I was already blogging in a sense because I had come up with a simple HTML layout that enabled me to post to the site regularly using FrontPage as my means of expediting the whole process. Fast forward 20 years, with me looking to possibly step away from WordPress entirely in order to do my own thing online, I do believe that I can use AI to expedite the process, as I once used Microsoft’s FrontPage to do so. In fact, it was only around 2014 that I finally stepped away from using Expression Web to do work online.

However, using server-side applications like WordPress has made me a bit lazy. I need to change that up a bit for my own sanity’s sake, if not for the sanity of anybody else.

So, here’s to starting over again. “I’m good at starting over!”

In fact, my one client out in Missouri says I’m the only guy he knows who can pretty much totally reinvent himself online within a very short time, like 24 hours. The reinvention won’t be happening quite as quickly in this case, but it will be happening!

Author: Brian KC2KFD

A single Goldberg Realty owned Newtonian Gardens Apartments resident, Self-Publishing Author, cPanel WordPress Web Host and Windows 11 powered computer tech. A musician, sailor, hiker, cycler and… Yes ladies… Some women would say, “Magical, too!”

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