An Audible annoyance: My afternoon vision.

I woke from a quick vision around three this afternoon, having fallen asleep listening to Mindwise by University of Chicago psychologist Nicholas Epley. Thus far, in my own mind, this book is a perfect example as to why the Mental Health Profession is a waste of federal tax dollars and an illegitimate part of the Health Profession as a whole. But I haven’t finished reading the book yet, so there’s a chance the so-called psychologist who wrote it might redeem himself yet, “But I doubt it!” As it stands now though, from where I sit it would seem that I had the misfortune to doze off reading a book that’s one third fact and two thirds bullshit. “The vision seemed to partly reflect that!”

The vision started with me in my bathroom, having just gotten off the toilet and deciding I didn’t want to read Mindwise anymore. I was listening to the Audible book via headphones and was trying to turn the book off after flushing the toilet using the buttons on my right headphone to no avail. The vision ended with me banging on the right headphone with my right hand to try and get the book to shut off, moaning in frustration as I did so. The very last thing I was aware of doing in the vision was beginning to claw at the casing of the headphone in an effort to pop it apart. “I then woke in my own bed for real, attempting to perform this action!”

I was standing in the doorway to my bathroom, facing out into the hallway while attempting to deal with the headphones. I felt royally pissed in this vision and am not sure why I would have a quick flash of a black clock on my nightstand saying it was 5:17 when this was all going on. But that took place in the vision as well. “Another dream where I’m two places at once again!”

I knew it was late in the afternoon based on the sunlight shining in through the bathroom window behind me. I also knew it was cool and clear outside.

It certainly was an interesting vision, to say the least. 5+1+7=13 so I’m certain I know what that means. Also, upon reflection, perhaps the rest of this vision makes sense too and I really need to stop reading the book now before I start having more visions involving other forms of waste management that are more disgustingly obnoxious than using the bathroom.

Author: Brian KC2KFD

A single Goldberg Realty owned Newtonian Gardens Apartments resident, Self-Publishing Author, cPanel WordPress Web Host and Windows 11 powered computer tech. A musician, sailor, hiker, cycler and… Yes ladies… Some women would say, “Magical, too!”

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