Dr. Sue Villarreal: A voice speaks from the grave.

Doctor Sue Villarreal was my chiropractor back in the early 1990s. I was having this lovely back issue resulting from a car accident I was involved in when I was 15. I would go to stand up in the morning at least once a week and literally fall down again on the floor because I suddenly would have no control over my legs. When my mother took me to Doctor Sue’s North Church chiropractic office, I was reluctant to go. But Doctor Villarreal’s mannerisms inspired confidence, and I knew she could be trusted to do her thing without hurting me despite my misgivings. Unfortunately, I think it was sometime in the mid to late 90s that she passed away due to issues with a medication that she was taking. “She was a great lady!”

When Doctor Sue learned of my headaches, she went out of her way to try and assist there too, with no success. Acupuncture had a reverse effect on me, as did a few of the other things that she tried that involved stimulating the nervous system in ways that would normally cause one’s pain to dissipate in both the lower back and the head. We realized within a matter of weeks, though, that my body is wired differently from the average and does not follow the usual rules.

They say that when a person passes away, the first thing you forget about them is the sound of their voice. That’s what I’m told anyway; however, I’ve yet to find that to be the case. When I learned of Doctor Sue’s passing, though, I figured that was one voice I would definitely never, ever hear again. “That all changed in this afternoon’s vision.”

This vision took place at around 4:00 PM in the sanctuary of the Newton First Baptist Church. The woman I was speaking with, just in front of the platform where the pastor gives his services, had long, flowing dirty blonde hair and wore a satiny-looking, shimmering gold robe. She radiated a confidence and level of playful calm that is rare. She genuinely seemed happy to be speaking with me. There was a clear blue sky outside the windows, and I assumed automatically in the vision that this dream was taking place during a cool, sunny October day.

As we spoke in front of the podium, with my back to the center aisle, she said, “I know you don’t have a great love for my profession right now. I also know that you have serious issues with the Wellness Hub and don’t want to go back there again. However, I’ve arranged things so you will be having weekly therapy sessions with me if you are willing, and I am confident that we can accomplish all of your objectives by October of 2025 if you agree to do this.”

The vision ended with me looking at her steadily and shaking my head yes slowly. I still had some misgivings inside, which she sensed right away. And just before things faded entirely, she took my hands and said, “We can accomplish everything by October.”

Obviously, all during the vision, I knew this woman to be a therapist from the Wellness Hub. However, upon waking, I realized she did not work for the Wellness Hub in reality. She seemed familiar to me, though. I’d heard the voice before, but I could not place it. For a while, I thought maybe she was a teacher from my Vernon High School days, but the voice didn’t quite fit.

After a while, though, Doctor Sue Villarreal’s name came to mind, and I began drifting back through our conversations during my office visits for chiropractic adjustments and massage therapy. Then, with a thrill of happy surprise, I finally realized who I was talking to in this afternoon’s vision.

I find it interesting that the person in this vision talking to me came from a place I’ve decided I will not set foot in again. To have the location of this vision be in another place I will not set foot in ever again, too, is significant. Doctor Sue, being the messenger is also something that has certainly gotten my attention.

The message, too, from my dirty blond friend was rather puzzling given Doctor Sue’s occupation in reality. However, while I have some ideas swirling around in my mind as to what this all means, all I really am certain of is the fact that this is a precognitive dream with a strong message that cannot be ignored. If I’m to get any closure in certain areas of my life, “I need to get the interpretation of this one right.”

Author: Brian KC2KFD

A single Goldberg Realty owned Newtonian Gardens Apartments resident, Self-Publishing Author, cPanel WordPress Web Host and Windows 11 powered computer tech. A musician, sailor, hiker, cycler and… Yes ladies… Some women would say, “Magical, too!”

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