Letters and revelations: My morning vision.

This morning’s vision was interesting. It was cloudy out as I walked into the Newton Post Office in the early afternoon. As I was Walking, I was putting a folded letter into an envelope I was about to mail to Cindy Armstrong at 1 Spring Street Newton NJ once I got inside the building.

The fact that she was going to ignore report with regard to Cassidy Spohn and Bridgit Heffernan was unacceptable to me. “This in reality is true!”

I remember thinking in the vision, too, that I had told Cindy in the letter that, “Distance creates clarity and with clarity comes recognition. Had I known that I’d end up seeing five therapists in a ten-month period simply because, despite the rules enacted by Congress, my insurance didn’t pay what most of these people wanted, I’d never have bothered with the Wellness Hub or any place else. I am clearly a commodity to be exploited by the Mental Health Industry and nothing more.”

However, I have no intention in reality of sending any more letters to Cindy Armstrong of the Sussex County Board of Mental Health or anyone else at this time. That would be counterproductive considering all friends together nature of the Mental Health Profession in Sussex County these days.

Of course, this is only my perception, and I have no doubt many of the so-called professionals out there would have a totally different view of the matter that exonerates them and writes off my own credibility in the process. However, I do think the message is clear in this vision, at least for me anyway, “For which reason I will sleep soundly tonight.”

Author: Brian KC2KFD

A single Goldberg Realty owned Newtonian Gardens Apartments resident, Self-Publishing Author, cPanel WordPress Web Host and Windows 11 powered computer tech. A musician, sailor, hiker, cycler and… Yes ladies… Some women would say, “Magical, too!”

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