Sunlit visions: Conversations and curiosities.

I briefly dropped off to sleep yesterday afternoon and had a vision in which I was standing in Ellen’s living room, talking with Ellen and Jen. They were facing me, and I could see the sliding back door out to the balcony behind them. It seemed to be around 4:00 PM.

In this vision, Jennifer was telling me I was part of the HG group. I asked, “What’s the HG group? The Host Gator Group?” and Jen laughed and said no. Then I asked, “The hosting group? I am a web host.” and Jen and her mom both laughed again, and Jen said, “No.”

The vision faded at that point with Jennifer saying something, and I was under the impression that she had said “highly gifted” upon awakening. However, I’m not totally certain of that but it feels right.

I did some research on what HG could stand for and found a reference to the handicapped group, but that just didn’t feel right. The highly gifted group seemed to be mentioned, which I could kind of go with, but I wasn’t sure. Jen said that we were part of this group, her and I. I think that’s interesting and am curious as to where the trigger for the vision came from.

Then, later in the afternoon, after coming back from Dominick’s Pizza, I fell asleep and had a vision about being in my old house up in Lake Panorama. Apparently, I had been able to rent it again and was amazed that my old curtains were still there, even though the house had been totally renovated since I last lived there.

The living room was larger, having been extended into the room that used to be the study. The sofa was where I had originally had a sofa. This one was obviously a lot nicer, and it seemed like my furniture was of a much better quality than anything I’ve ever owned in reality.

In this vision, I was lying on the carpeted living room floor on my back. Because the top of my head was facing the wall containing the living room window, I could see Cassidy Spohn’s boyfriend sitting on the couch, closest to the window. Another girl, two his left and further away from the window, was looking down at me like she really liked me. We seemed to be talking, although I don’t know what we were saying, and Cassidy was sitting to the redhead’s left, my right from my vantage point on the floor, listening.

All of a sudden, Cassidy started talking about having purchased $1,900 worth of cosmetics, going through this catalog, and something about seminars. I had the impression she was talking about some sort of MLM program and saw her reading stuff off her iPhone as she did so.

At one point during Cassidy’s clear effort to make herself the center of everyone’s attention, I looked up at Cassidy’s boyfriend, noticing he was starting to fidget and asked, “Dude, you gotta get up and move?” He said, “Yeah, I gotta go,” indicating he needed to use the bathroom. I shifted so he could get his feet out and around without stepping on me and looked up at the girl between him and Cassidy who was still smiling down at me with adoring eyes.

This girl was a redhead with long, straight auburn hair, maybe about 20 years old. I would describe her body type as athletic but built a little bit more muscular than the average girl, which is cool. The vision ended with Cassidy’s boyfriend heading off to the bathroom, which was still located where it was when I had last rented the house.

Throughout the vision I was definitely enjoying the warmth from the sun coming in through the living room window. Even though the curtains were closed, the sun was strong enough to cast a good amount of light and warmth on the floor. Everything in the house, aside from the white walls and ceiling, radiated rich shades of brown, tan, and green. The carpet I was laying on was a rust color. The couch Cassidy’s boyfriend and the girls were sitting on was primarily green like the curtains on the living room window, but it had a small amount of other earth tones mixed in. I couldn’t really make out the pattern in the couch’s fabric but, “It’s all good!”

It seemed to be around 4:00 PM in the afternoon during late October based on the position of the sunlight streaming in through the living room window. I could tell it was cool outside; the air was crisp and dry, “But the sun was really warm!”

Author: Brian KC2KFD

A single Goldberg Realty owned Newtonian Gardens Apartments resident, Self-Publishing Author, cPanel WordPress Web Host and Windows 11 powered computer tech. A musician, sailor, hiker, cycler and… Yes ladies… Some women would say, “Magical, too!”

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