Sharing my journal here using advanced Remote Viewing techniques.

As I sit here, reflecting on the pages of my personal journal, I’m faced with a conundrum that’s both deeply personal and surprisingly universal. It’s the question of what to share and what to hold back when it comes to the thoughts and experiences I’ve poured onto these pages.

Like most folks who write in one, my journal too is a sanctuary, a place where my innermost thoughts find refuge from the outside world. It’s where I’m most honest with myself, where I process my life’s events, and where I dream or simply write out and attempt to interpret my dreams. But now, as I consider how much of what I write to actually transfer onto my website for all to see, I’m struck by the weight of the decision. It’s left me with a knot in my stomach for some strange reason and, “It’s annoying!”

The act of sharing is not just about opening up; it’s about inviting others into my world. It’s a world filled with raw emotions, unfiltered thoughts, and personal revelations. The thought of sharing this with strangers is daunting, yet there’s a part of me that yearns for the connection it could bring like nothing else I’ve attempted in an effort to improve my life socially ever has.

So, as unconventional as the method of Remote Viewing as an aid in my decision-making process might seem to many, I stretched out for a while this evening and gave it a go. I think some part of me has always known that I could tap into a greater consciousness to guide my choices. But because of what I deemed to be inconclusive results leaving me to rely on my intuition and judgment at times, I’ve never fully trusted the techniques I’ve cultivated over a span of decades.

So, here we are. My wicked strong intuition nudging me to move beyond considering myself merely a learner in the realms of Dream Analysis, Remote Viewing, or Remote Influencing for quite some time; it urging me to embrace and utilize the knowledge I’ve accumulated. And yet…. Despite my attempt at tapping this inner guidance as I have so many times before, “Clarity eluded me yet again tonight!”

The value in sharing my journal entries is clear to me. It’s a chance to reach out, to touch someone’s life, to find common ground. Yet, I’m acutely aware of the digital footprint it leaves behind, the vulnerability it exposes, and the privacy it relinquishes.

Maybe the answers I’m seeking are already easier than I think? Perhaps I didn’t get anything out of this evening’s session because maybe it’s not about finding a definitive answer but rather about understanding my boundaries and comfort levels? Maybe it’s about recognizing the power of my words and the responsibility that comes with sharing them?

I’d like to think I’ve got a solid handle on some of that already. But after this past twelve months… Well… Maybe tonight I will have a dream or full-on vision that will help me see what I need to see.

Author: Brian KC2KFD

A single Goldberg Realty owned Newtonian Gardens Apartments resident, Self-Publishing Author, cPanel WordPress Web Host and Windows 11 powered computer tech. A musician, sailor, hiker, cycler and… Yes ladies… Some women would say, “Magical, too!”

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