Today we call walking in a light rain a win.

As I stepped out of building 2 here at Newtonian Gardens at 5:10 PM this evening to meet up with friends for dinner, the light rain and wind greeted me with a gentle caress, a stark contrast to the usual downpour that urges one to seek shelter. The soft drizzle was a welcome companion as I made my way through the busy streets; the teleprompter awake in my head and guiding me as to which way would be the safest to go to my destination. “Think of this teleprompter like a GPS giving up to the minute traffic reports and you’ll get the picture.”

The rain seemed to cleanse away the minor irritations of this day, each drop a tiny reminder to slow down and breathe. The world around me felt serene as I moved through Newton with fluid precision, the white and red AmbuTech manufactured cane in my hand an extension of me. It was as if nature had orchestrated this moment just for me, a personal interlude of connection with the environment I’ve been struggling to reunite with for months.

It really was delightful. It has been months since something so simple brought such contentment.

This light rain was a gift, a moment of clarity and calm despite the volume of traffic I was deftly threading my way through with God’s gift of a wicked strong intuition coming to my aid as needed. It was a walk to remember, a subtle reminder of life’s simple pleasures for sure.

“True!” When we finished our dinner at McDonald’s, the rain had picked up to a point which would have made for a wet walk home. So, when they offered to drive me home, rather than us doing the usual ritual of me riding back to their complex with them and walking home from there… Well… I naturally said yes, wanting a quiet night out, “Not to do an impersonation of a drowned rat!”

Author: Brian KC2KFD

A single Goldberg Realty owned Newtonian Gardens Apartments resident, Self-Publishing Author, cPanel WordPress Web Host and Windows 11 powered computer tech. A musician, sailor, hiker, cycler and… Yes ladies… Some women would say, “Magical, too!”

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