Free of Social Media and The Negativity It Brings.

In this MP3 Brian Schnabel’s Head Space Podcast, Brian shares a bit about why he’s getting off social media and changing up the way he deals with communication going forward, “And More!”

I’ve reached a point of burnout. In the passing months, that has become rather apparent to both my newly acquired professional friends around me and myself. So, I’ve been looking at ways to make things easier, having begun to make changes that will help me thrive in my environment both physically and emotionally.

How some communications are currently handled now and will be going forward has already gradually changed as a part of this whole process. And… Yeah… When I look at social media and the quality of the interactions I have with people via that platform, I’ve reached the unassailable conclusion that, “I just don’t need it in my life anymore!”

Social Media does nothing for the ranking of this website and its traffic. It doesn’t enhance the face-to-face interactions with people in my daily life in any way, shape, or form.

The only thing social media does seem to do, and do well, is complicate things; making me accessible to people who wouldn’t otherwise give me their phone number if their life depended on it. All my real friends have my phone number and I have theirs. The rest, if I’m honest with myself, “They ain’t my friends!”

Then there’s the number of applications involved with social media. The apps for the phone. The apps for the computer. One messenger program for this platform and another one to stay in touch with that group, etcetera etcetera.

Throw Cancel Culturists into the mix and it’s just not a good time. Most folks don’t know how to have a real conversation about issues when they arise. “Who needs that?”

So… Over the weekend, I initiated the shutdown of my social media accounts. This should be completed by November 30th if all goes to plan. During the course of this week, I’ll be dealing with the mess of messenger apps lurking on my computer, too.

I have this website for outreach already and am totally down with limiting myself to essential messenger apps that are present by default on their respective operating systems. But, beyond that? “I don’t see why on God’s green earth I really need any more!”

To be honest, I could get buy just fine simply using phone, text, and email to conduct my day-to-day business. But… I guess for the sighted folks in the crowd, video chat serves a purpose, too. So, while I don’t really have a use for it myself, “I’ll keep it around for those who enjoy the view!”

Author: Brian KC2KFD

A single Goldberg Realty owned Newtonian Gardens Apartments resident, Self-Publishing Author, cPanel WordPress Web Host and Windows 11 powered computer tech. A musician, sailor, hiker, cycler and… Yes ladies… Some women would say, “Magical, too!”

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