Housing Program annual inspection notice 2024.

I get these official-looking letters from the State of New Jersey’s Department of Community Affairs Housing Program once a year. I pulled one out of my mailbox once again as a part of this year’s recertification on Tuesday. This letter notifies me that they need to come and inspect my apartment as a part of the recertification process. It’s part of the deal if I want the Section 8 Housing Program to continue helping me with my rent. “It’s also part of the deal for my landlord too if he wants to continue receiving guaranteed rent payments!”

Continue reading “Housing Program annual inspection notice 2024.”

A personal reflection on the opioid crisis and patient brokering in NJ.

I couldn’t sleep this morning and decided to Google, “Mental Health Industry Scam in NJ,” and came across an article in the Burgan Record that really made me stop and think. It was about the opioid epidemic in New Jersey, which, like much of the country, has seen a dramatic increase in opioid-related deaths over the past decade. The numbers have apparently risen from 1,096 deaths in 2012 to over 3,000 in recent years. The article pointed out that the COVID-19 pandemic only made things worse, with addiction centers witnessing a big surge in demand for treatment.

Continue reading “A personal reflection on the opioid crisis and patient brokering in NJ.”

A story of thoroughness and appreciation in Section 8 Housing recertification.

I received notification from my case manager this morning about my Section 8 Housing Recertification, stating that everything thus far is in order. They also told me in their email that they really appreciate my thoroughness, too.

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Balancing SEO and Principles as a Blind Webmaster.

Well… For the hell of it I took a look at my Google Webmaster Tools reports for The Bria Sphere this morning. As usual I closed out the report in disgust. I’m feeling like I can’t be bothered with what a company like Google says about my website when they are so Woke they can’t even be bothered to generate reports in accordance with Web Accessibility Guidelines. “So much for being Woke Google!”

Continue reading “Balancing SEO and Principles as a Blind Webmaster.”

April 17th inspection perhaps Goldberg Realty’s commitment to quality Living.

I got a notice from Goldberg Realty via email yesterday in forming me of a possible inspection of my apartment tomorrow. For Those who don’t know, Goldberg Realty owns and operates the complex where I live, “Newtonian Gardens Apartments.”

Continue reading “April 17th inspection perhaps Goldberg Realty’s commitment to quality Living.”

Epson ET-2803 printer isn’t blind friendly at all.

I tried a few remaining tricks to get things working right on my Epson ET 2803 color printer, I even used my iPhone to read the display on the printer itself with some success. But… “I was able to accomplish little on my own there!”

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Enjoying the clarity of a midafternoon nap.

At 1:30 PM, I gave in to exhaustion and drifted into a brief sleep, going blissfully yet productively comatose for about two and a half hours. Upon awakening, I recalled the visions I had, them giving me the clarity I needed with regard to what to write here.

Continue reading “Enjoying the clarity of a midafternoon nap.”

A blind man’s nightmare experience with an Epson ET-2803 printer.

I might have mentioned this before, but I’ll say it again simply because I can. As a blind individual, “Technology is a lifeline that connects me to the world.” However, it’s not without its challenges, especially when devices don’t function as expected. My Epson ET-2803 printer, usually a dependable tool, has now decided it’s a good idea to stop printing in color, “Despite my best efforts to maintain the machine as recommended!”

Continue reading “A blind man’s nightmare experience with an Epson ET-2803 printer.”

Predawn musings of a restless mind awake.

Well… I went to bed and dozed off a few times. But I don’t think I slept for more than fifteen minutes. So rather than lying awake in frustration after trying a few things that will normally help me fall asleep for at least an hour, “Here I am again!”

Continue reading “Predawn musings of a restless mind awake.”

Sharing my journal here using advanced Remote Viewing techniques.

As I sit here, reflecting on the pages of my personal journal, I’m faced with a conundrum that’s both deeply personal and surprisingly universal. It’s the question of what to share and what to hold back when it comes to the thoughts and experiences I’ve poured onto these pages.

Continue reading “Sharing my journal here using advanced Remote Viewing techniques.”

Joyfully exploring the therapeutic benefits of the Hitachi Magic Wand.

Back in January, I decided to pick up a Hitachi Magic Wand for myself. I know it is often hailed as the ultimate personal massager for women in intimate settings, solo or with a partner. But it has also garnered a reputation for its versatility and effectiveness in providing targeted relief from muscle soreness and tension. Apparently, some male professional athletes supposedly love the Magic Wand, “For just that reason alone!”

Continue reading “Joyfully exploring the therapeutic benefits of the Hitachi Magic Wand.”

New JAWS for Windows 2024 Face in View feature.

I personally believe that JAWS for Windows Version 2024 has seen a significant upgrade with the introduction of the Face in View feature, finally putting it on par with the image related capabilities of the VoiceOver screen reader built into Apple’s iPhones and other products. This innovative feature is designed to enhance the video conferencing experience for visually impaired users, ensuring they are perfectly positioned within the camera’s view during calls.

Continue reading “New JAWS for Windows 2024 Face in View feature.”

the challenges along the journey of Section 8 housing recertification for the blind.

The process of Section 8 Housing recertification can be a daunting task for anyone, but it presents a unique set of challenges for individuals like myself who are blind or visually impaired. It’s a time that requires organization, patience, and often, a helping hand. Yet, it’s also a moment that underscores a deeper issue: the need for society to recognize and value the contributions of all its members, regardless of their physical abilities.

Continue reading “the challenges along the journey of Section 8 housing recertification for the blind.”

Journeying with the 5 AM Club to embrace the dawn.

While it’s true that the concept of the “early bird catches the worm” has been ingrained in us from a young age, it wasn’t until I stumbled upon Robin Sharma’s 5 AM Club that I truly understood the adage and why it works beautifully for so many. For me though, “It almost works the way Robin says it should!”

Continue reading “Journeying with the 5 AM Club to embrace the dawn.”

Today we call walking in a light rain a win.

As I stepped out of building 2 here at Newtonian Gardens at 5:10 PM this evening to meet up with friends for dinner, the light rain and wind greeted me with a gentle caress, a stark contrast to the usual downpour that urges one to seek shelter. The soft drizzle was a welcome companion as I made my way through the busy streets; the teleprompter awake in my head and guiding me as to which way would be the safest to go to my destination. “Think of this teleprompter like a GPS giving up to the minute traffic reports and you’ll get the picture.”

Continue reading “Today we call walking in a light rain a win.”

PHP 8.3 upgrade now complete for all clients.

Well… PHP Version 7.4 has been upgraded to 8.3 on all websites I host for other people. I’m pretty sure my WordPress clients will be happy to know this as it does generally mean a safer and more efficient operating environment for all of us on the server. cPanel’s handy dandy Multi PHP Manager certainly makes managing stuff like this a breeze so, “It’s all good!”

Hot deregulated parasympathetic system shower thoughts.

It’s been suggested to me by more than a few licensed professionals of late that my form of depression more than likely has to do with a deregulated parasympathetics system, the deregulation having to do with traumatic experiences. I do live a rather dangerous lifestyle so I can see where that might be the case. But I also find it interesting how none of these professionals ever said anything about how hot showers, hot baths, or intense aerobic exercise can trigger a downward emotional spiral. Not that I recall, anyway. “Did I miss an important footnote?”

Continue reading “Hot deregulated parasympathetic system shower thoughts.”

MySQL WordPress mystery can wait.

I’m thinking I can afford to wait and see what happens, WordPress reporting that the SQL database on the server is out of date. However, from what I can see, things are up to scratch on the server side of the equations. So… Having recently been notified that PHP on the server is being updated for enhanced safer performance, and having made the necessary adjustments on my end… As far as the issues WordPress has with MySQL … “Well… It will keep!”

Continue reading “MySQL WordPress mystery can wait.”

Returning Triggered Emotional Energy to Its Source.

In this Brian Schnabel’s Head Space MP3 Podcast Download, Brian talks a bit about how he does his meditations in general. He then explains how he uses meditation to deal with his emotions and the corresponding tension building energy trapped in his body.

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Worthy of True Mental Health Professionals.

In this Head Space Podcast, Brian Schnabel expresses views and opinions about his experiences with the Mental Health Association’s Wellness Hub in Newton NJ, plus his resulting conclusion about seeking help from Mental Health Professionals in Future.

Continue reading “Worthy of True Mental Health Professionals.”

I am handling stressful situations with skill and self-assuredness.

I face stressful situations with skill and self-assuredness by acknowledging my emotions and the source of stress. I take a break and calm myself with breathing or meditation, reframing the situation positively or more realistically as a part of this process. I am handling stressful situations with skill and self-assuredness.

I am allowing myself to experience the valid and natural emotion of anger.

Feeling angry is my right. It is a natural emotion that I feel when someone or something threatens or hurts me. I don’t judge or suppress my anger but express it in ways that are healthy for me and others.

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I am coping with my anger without hurting myself or others.

I cope with my anger in healthy ways. I identify the triggers and sources of my anger when I can and express them calmly and respectfully where possible. I also practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, and yoga.

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I am routinely sexually exploring my body shamelessly.

My body is a source of joy and pleasure for me. I don’t feel guilty or ashamed about being curious and adventurous about my sexuality, as long as I respect myself and others. I am not harming anyone by enjoying my sensuality.

Continue reading “I am routinely sexually exploring my body shamelessly.”

I am grateful for the gift of sexuality and sensuality.

My sexuality and sensuality are gifts that enrich my life with pleasure, intimacy, connection, and joy. They are part of my identity and expression. They boost my health, self-esteem, and well-being.

Continue reading “I am grateful for the gift of sexuality and sensuality.”